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(10,901 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. Missiology
I. History of Religion
1. The Buddha and his Teaching. Although the biographical dates of the historical Buddha are uncertain, scholars generally put them at 563–483 bce. The Buddha understood his own teaching as a path to redemption, i.e., to liberation from the wretched cycle of rebirths. This teaching (Dharma) is often expressed in a medical…
Religion Past and Present
(572 words)
[German Version] After Buddhism Bon is the most important religion in Tibet. It came into being in the Zhang Zhung ¶ region in the west of present-day Tibet and spread from there to central and eastern Tibet. During the Tibetan Empire (7th–9th cent.) it became the religious rival of the newly introduced Buddhism, which contested the leading position of the Bon priests. The end of the Empire meant also the …
Religion Past and Present