Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schwemer, Anna Maria" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schwemer, Anna Maria" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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Saints/Veneration of the Saints
(4,185 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies In comparative religious studies,
veneration of saints generally refers to the posthumous cultic veneration of a holy person more or less identifiable as a historical individual; it is centered at the place that preserves the saint’s mortal remains, thought to have miraculous powers. Occasionally veneration of living individuals is subsumed under the same category, but this extension results in a dubious diminution of terminological precision, since to this day no one …
Religion Past and Present
(526 words)
[German Version]
I. Archaeology Tarsus (Ταρσοί, Xenophon,
Anabasis I 2,23; ἡ Ταρσός, Arrian,
Anabasis II 4.5), city west of the Cilician Gates (Cilicia; for location see Asia Minor, map). Thanks to its situation on the navigable lower reaches of the Cydnus and at the crossroads of the routes between Antioch and the Aegean and from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, Tarsus had always served as a bridge between East and West. The finds of Goldman, especially pottery from the 1st millennium bce, for which there had long been no comparative material, are presently being evaluate…
Religion Past and Present
Lives of the Prophets
(403 words)
[German Version] The
Lives of the Prophets (
Vitae Prophetarum) is a Jewish work containing short biographical sketches of the OT prophets in the style of Hellenistic
Vitae; it was written in Greek in Palestine during the 1st century ce, but some of the traditions it records are substantially earlier. Surviving only in Christian tradition with interpolations, it has often been considered a Christian document and assigned a late date. In its original form, it records for 23 prophets “where they came from,… where and how they died, and…
Religion Past and Present