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Rebaptism Controversy
(483 words)
[German Version] Cyprian of Carthage and Stephen II of Rome, over whether baptism (III) performed in a heretical or schismatic body should be recognized and whether a convert from such a body should be treated as already baptized. Following longstanding North African tradition (Tert.
Bapt. 15; Council of Carthage under Agrippinus c. 200: Cyp.
Ep. 71.4; 73.3; Eus.
Hist. eccl. VII 7) and the practice of other regions such as Asia Minor (Cyp.
Ep. 75; Eus.
Hist. eccl. VII 5.7), Cyprian answered negatively and was supported by African councils in 255 and 256 (Cyp.
Ep. 70 and 72;
Sententiae episco…
Religion Past and Present
Ecumenical Movement
(10,763 words)
[German Version] I. 1st to 19th Century – II. 20th and 21st Centuries
I. 1st to 19th Century
1. Early Church The concerns of the first centuries of the church were less with the establishing of fellowship than with its preservation – focused in the fellowship of the Lord's Supper – among Christians and congregations (Paul, Saint, Apostolic Council, Clement I (Romanus), Ignatius [Ignatian …
Religion Past and Present