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Spirit/Holy Spirit
(8,121 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies and History of Philosophy The dogmatic definition of the Holy Spirit as a person within the one divine substance (Trinity/Doctrine of the Trinity) presupposes not only a particular philosophical context but also a religio-historical horizon. A formative influence on the conceptualization of the Holy Spirit was exercised by the various anthropomorphic interpretations of elemental anthropological or normative qualities in the context of polytheistic interpretations of …
Religion Past and Present
Spirit and Spiritual Gifts
(2,816 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Wherever notions of “supernatural” anthropomorphic powers arise, so does the notion of spirit possession. A spirit can enter into a person’s body and sometimes supplant the spirit or soul (considered the same in many cultures) of the host’s body; often the spirit settles in the host’s head or on his or her shoulders. It is then described as being “in the saddle” and “riding” its human means of transportation. If a relationship develops between the spirit and the …
Religion Past and Present
(3,008 words)
[German Version] I. History of the Concept – II. Bible and Theology – III. Systematic and Practical Theology
I. History of the Concept Beauty – Gk τὸ καλόν/
tó kalón, Lat.
pulchritudo/pulcher, Ger.
die Schönheit, Fr.
la beauté – is the positive aesthetic attraction which an object exercises on the beholder by virtue of its felicitous form. In contemplative, aesthetic, and erotic experience beauty is experienced as harmonious and stimulating, as some…
Religion Past and Present
Promise and Fulfillment
(1,455 words)
In their varied uses and functions, the words “promise” and “fulfillment” indicate a historical and theological category in which the Word of God, a word of salvation or judgment (Last Judgment), will assuredly achieve realization either in history or at the end of history. 1. OT The OT uses these two terms hermeneutically in its structuring and theological interpreting of the history of Israel. This history is neither contingent nor natural but under the direction of divine intervention and guidance (e.g., Gen. 50:20). In the Hexateuch (Genesis 12–Joshua 24, where the ¶ distribution o…
(2,461 words)
[English Version]
I. Begriffsgeschichtlich-philosophisch Sch. – griech. το` καλο´n̆/tó kalón, lat. pulchritudo/pulcher, engl. beauty, franz. la beauté – ist die positive ästhetische Anmutung eines Gegenstandes der Wahrnehmung aufgrund seiner gelungenen Gestalt. Sch. wird in der kontemplativen, auf die sinnliche Erscheinung eingehenden, ästhetischen wie in der erotischen Erfahrung als harmonisch, anregend, begeisternd und erhebend und so als Motiv gesteigerter Aufmerksamkeit und Zuneigung erlebt. Seit d…