
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Davies, C. Collin" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Davies, C. Collin" )' returned 108 results. Modify search

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(662 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, mot hindi venant d’une racine sanskrite dont le sens est «calculer, compter» et qui était employé dans l’administration indo-islamique pour désigner un groupe de villages, une subdivision d’un district ou serkār [voir Mug̲h̲als. III. Organisation administrative et sociale ]. Dans l’usage anglo-indien postérieur, ce terme était souvent transcrit pergunnah (voir Yule et Burnell, Hobson- Jobson, 698-9). La première occurrence de ce terme dans les chroniques du sultanat de Dihlī semble être dans le Taʾrīk̲h̲- I Fīrūz S̲h̲āhī de S̲h̲ams-i Sirād̲j̲ ʿAfīf ( Bibliotheca Indica, Calcu…


(127 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, ville de l’État indien de Bombay, à 90 km. au Nord de Poona. Sa proximité du col de Nānā a fait d’elle un centre commercial important reliant le Deccan à la côte occidentale. Le fort de Ḏj̲unnar fut construit par Malik al-Tud̲j̲d̲j̲ār en 840/ 1436. Le district qui l’entoure était un des tarafs ou provinces du royaume Bahmamde du Deccan sous l’administration de Maḥmūd Gāwān [ q.v.]. H fit ensuite partie du sultanat d’Aḥmadnagar. En 1067/ 1657, la ville fut pillée par S̲h̲īwād̲j̲ī, chef mahratte qui était né dans le fort de la colline voisine de Shiwnēr. Les co…


(1,599 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, Abū l-Fatḥ Ḏj̲alāl al-dīn Muḥammad (15 oct. 1542-16 oct. 1605) le plus grand des empereurs mug̲h̲als de l’Inde, né à Umarkot, au Sind, alors que son père Humāyūn, qui avait été chassé par l’usurpateur afg̲h̲ān S̲h̲īr S̲h̲āh Sūr, fuyait yers la Perse. Petit-fils de Bābūr, il descendait à la fois des Turcs tīmūrides et des Mongols Čag̲h̲atāy. Sa mère, Ḥamīda Bānū, était persane. Après treize ans d’exil, Humāyūn, profitant du déclin de la puissance Sūr, décida de tenter la reconquête de l’Hindūstān. P…


(1,814 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, habitants de l’Inde, qui se prétendent les actuels représentants des Ks̲h̲atriyas de l’ancienne tradition. (Du sanscrit rād̲j̲aputra, «fils de roi». Sur le rapport entre Rād̲j̲anya et Ks̲h̲atriya, voir Macdonell et Keith, Vedic index, I, s.v. Kṣatriya). Le terme de Rad̲j̲pūt n’a pas de signification ethnique; il ne concerne qu’une tribu, un clan, ou une classe guerrière, dont les membres se réclament d’un rang aristocratique, cette prétention se trouvant généralement renforcée par une confirmation brahmane. L’origine des Rād̲j̲pūts est un problème hérissé de difficul…


(10,069 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B. | Hill, R. L. | Samaran, Ch. | Adam, A. | Lambton, A. K. S. | Et al.
, municipalité, terme utilisé en turc ( belediye), et d’autres langues islamiques, pour désigner les institutions municipales modernes de type européen, par opposition aux anciennes formes musulmanes d’organisation urbaine (voir Madīna). Le terme, comme beaucoup de néologismes de l’Islam moderne et comme les innovations qu’ils expriment, apparut d’abord en Turquie; les institutions et les services de type occidental furent introduits dans ce pays dans le cadre du programme général de réforme des Tanẓīmāt [ q.v.]. I. — Turquie. Les premiers pas vers une administration muni…


(1,004 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, nom d’une ville, d’un district et d’une circonscription de l’État de Maharashtra, autrefois dans les Provinces Centrales des Indes britanniques. La ville est située sur le Nāg à 21° 10′ N. et 79° 12′ E, ¶ Ce territoire, qui correspond à peu près au Gondwāna, a été profondément influencé dans son histoire par l’existence de la longue chaîne de Sātpura à travers laquelle la brèche de Burhānpur-Asīrgaŕh formait la route principale qui va de l’Hindustān au Dakhan. Quand les envahisseurs musulmans pénétrèrent pour la première fois dan…


(1,534 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, ville de l’Inde musulmane, dans le Nord-ouest du sous-continent, aujourd’hui au Pākistān (lat. 34°01’ N., long. 71°40’ E., altitude 320 m). Dans le Pākistān actuel, Pes̲h̲āwar est aussi le nom de diverses unités administratives centrées sur la ville (voir infra). Le district est limité à l’Est par l’Indus, qui le sépare du Pand̲j̲āb et des Hazāra, et au Sud-est par la chaîne de Nīlāb G̲h̲as̲h̲a qui forme une barrière entre lui et le district de Kōhāt. Dans les autres directions, il est borné par des territoires de tribus. Au Sud, se…


(356 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, ville, district et division dans le Nord du Pand̲j̲āb, au Pakistan. La ville est située à 33°40ʹ delat. 73°08ʹ de long. E., aune altitude de 530 m. A l’époque britannique, c’était une des stations militaires les plus importantes du Nord de l’Inde, et c’est aujourd’hui le quartier-général de l’Armée pakistanaise, avec des casernements étendus, ainsi qu’un centre industriel et commercial important et le point de départ de la route menant au Kas̲h̲mīr. De 1959 à 1969, Rāwalpindi a été la cap…


(237 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, ville et district de l’État de Bombay, dont la population s’élevait en 1951 à 1 179 404 habitants. Sous le règne de ʿAlāʾ al-dīn Ḵh̲ald̲j̲ī, les souverains hindous de cette région du Deccan furent contraints de payer tribut aux envahisseurs musulmans. En 1347, l’Awrangābād fut annexé au royaume Bahmanī, puis, lorsque ce royaume se désagrégea, il fut rattaché au sultanat Niẓām S̲h̲āhī d’Aḥmadnagar. Malik ʿAmbar, ministre abyssin remarquable, défendit avec acharnement l’État d’Aḥmadnagar contre …


(357 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, ancien État princier gouverné par un nawwāb [ q.v.], qui, dans l’Inde britannique, se trouvait dans l’Agency de Pālanpūr [ q.v.] de la province de Bombay, et appartient aujourd’hui à l’État du Gud̲j̲arāt de l’Union Indienne. Rādhanpūr est également le nom de sa capitale (23° 49’ N., 71° 39’ E.), à 90 km au Sud-ouest de Pālanpūr et à l’Est du Rann de Cutch. Les souverains de Rādhanpūr font remonter leur origine à un aventurier musulman qui arriva dans l’Inde, venant d’Iṣfahān, vers le milieu du XIe/XVIIe siècle. Ses descendants devinrent fawd̲j̲ārs et fermiers de l’impôt dans la provi…


(266 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, région montagneuse du Pākistān occidental; elle fait partie de l’ensemble politique formé par les anciens États du Dīr, du Swāt et du Čītrāl dans la province de Pes̲h̲āwar. Elle est limitée au Nord par le Dīr, à l’Est par le Dīr et le Swāt, au Sud-est et au Sud par les territoires de Utmān Ḵh̲ēl et de Moḥmund, et à l’Ouest par l’Afg̲h̲ānistān. Elle a une superficie d’environ 10 000 km2, et est traversée par cinq vallées : Čahārmung, Bābūkara, Watalai, Rūd et Sūr Kamar. En l’absence de tout recensement, on en a estimé la population approximativement à 100 000 hab.…

Awrangābād Sayyid

(31 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, petite ville dans le district de Bulands̲h̲ahr de l’Uttar Pradesh, fondée en 1704 par Sayyid ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, descendant de Sayyid Ḏj̲alāl al-Ḥusayn de Buk̲h̲ārā. (C. Collin Davies)


(175 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(p.), «deux eaux», correspondant au grec μεσοποταμία, est dans le sous-continent indo- pakistanais généralement appliqué aux terres situées entre deux rivières confluentes, et plus particulièrement à la fertile plaine qui s’étend entre le Ḏj̲amnā [ q.v.] et le Gange dans l’Uttar Prades̲h̲. Les langues de terre allongées entre les cinq cours d’eau du Pand̲j̲āb sont aussi connues sous le nom de doʾāb. Entre le Satlad̲j̲ et le Beʾās s’étend le doʾāb de Bist; entre le Beʾās et le Rāwī, le doʾāb de Bārī; entre le Rāwī et le Čēnāb, le doʾāb de Rečnā;. entre le Čēnāb et le Ḏj̲helam, le doʾāb de Čad̲j…


(322 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, district de la division de Belgaum dans l’État indien de Mysore. Il a une superficie de 14 270 km2 (5305 milles carrés) et une population de 1 575 386 habitants dont 15% de Musulmans (recensement de 1951). Jusqu’au VIIe/XIIIe siècle, il demeura à l’abri des envahisseurs musulmans. Au siècle suivant, il fit partie du vaste empire de Muḥammad b. Tug̲h̲luḳ. Après le déclin du pouvoir des Tug̲h̲luḳs, ¶ sa situation géographique — en particulier sa proximité du Dōʾāb de Rāyčūr — en fit une pomme de discorde entre le royaume bahmanide du Deccan et l’empire hindou de…

Saʿādat ʿAlī K̲h̲ān

(602 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C. E.
, nawāb d’Awadh, ou Oudh (règn. 1798-1814). Son frère Āṣaf al-dawla était mort en septembre 1797, mais après un intérim de quatre mois, le fils putatif de ce dernier, Wazīr ʿAlī Ḵh̲ān fut écarté, et le gouverneur-général britannique Sir John Shore installa à sa place Saʿādat ʿAlī Ḵh̲ān, qui vivait sous protection britannique à Bénarès depuis 1776. Son règne est intéressant pour avoir coïncidé avec l’extension du contrôle britannique sur les territoires d’Awadh. Un traité conclu avec le dernier n…


(1,687 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, nom d’une grande et puissante tribu Pathān comprenant un nombre de combattants évalué à 50.000, à la frontière Nord-Ouest du Pakistan. Le territoire occupé par les Afrīdīs s’étend des contreforts orientaux du Safīd Kūh à travers la moitié Nord de Tirāh et la passe de Khyber (Ḵh̲aybar [ q.v.]) jusqu’aux régions Ouest et Sud du district de Pes̲h̲āwar. Il est limité à l’Est par les régions colonisées du Pakistan, au Nord par le territoire des Mohmunds, à l’Ouest par les S̲h̲inwārīs, et au Sud par les tribus Ōrakzay et Bangas̲h̲. Les Afrīdīs se …

Ayyūb K̲h̲ān

(296 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, quatrième fils de S̲h̲ir ʿAlī, amīr d’Afg̲h̲ānistān, et frère de Yaʿḳūb Ḵh̲ān. Comme tous les souverains d’Afg̲h̲ānistān, S̲h̲īr ʿAlī éprouva des difficultés avec ses fils. Quand, en 1873, il désigna son fils favori ʿAbd Allāh Ḏj̲ān comme héritier présomptif, Ayyūb Ḵh̲ān s’enfuit en Perse. En 1879, lorsque Yaʿḳūb Ḵh̲ān succéda à S̲h̲īr ʿAlī comme amīr, Ayyūb Ḵh̲ān revint en Afg̲h̲ānistān et fut nommé gouverneur de Herāt. Vers la fin de la ¶ seconde guerre afghane (1878-80), le gouvernement de Lord Lytton choisit un prince Sadōzai, du nom de S̲h̲īr ʿAlī, comme wālī de Ḳandahār. Il fut…


(669 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, ville du Nord de l’Inde (lat. 29° 24´ N, long. 76° 58´ E.), à 86 km au Nord de Dihli. C’est aussi le nom du taḥṣīl le plus méridional du district de Karnāl, que constituait dans l’Inde britannique la province du Pand̲j̲āb [ q.v], mais est, depuis 1947, dans la partie orientale ou indienne de cette ancienne province, dans celle de Haryana de l’Union Indienne actuelle. A trois reprises, le sort de l’Hindustān s’est joué dans la plaine de Pānīpat: en 1526, quand Bābur [ q.v.], le Turc Barlās, battit Ibrāhīm Lodī [ q. v. ]; en 1556, quand Akbar [ q. v. ] écrasa les forces de Hēmū; enfin, en 1761, q…


(857 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, Sayyids, descendants de Sayyid Abū l-Faraḥ de Wāsiṭ, près de Bag̲h̲dād, qui, avec ses douze fils, émigra dans l’Inde au VIIe/XIIIe s.; ils s’établirent dans quatre villages proches de Patiāla, dans le sarkār de Sirhand ( sūba de Dihlī). Les quatre principales branches de la famille étaient désignées par les noms de ces villages. Sayyid Dāwūd s’établit à Tihanpūr, Sayyid Abū l-Faḍl à Čhatbanūr ou Čhatrauri, Sayyid Abū l-Faḍāʾil à Kūndlī et Sayyid Naẓm al-dīn Ḥusayn à Jagner ou Jhajari. De cette région, ils émigrèrent par la suite dans le district de Muẓaffarnagar ( doāb de Gange-Jumna). …


(404 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, autrefois province des Indes britanniques, formée des quatre districts d’Amraotī, Akola, Buldāna et Yeotmāl; superficie: 47000 km2 (17809 milles carrés); population: 3 604 866, dont 335 169 Musulmans (recensement de 1941); administrée, sous le gouvernement britannique, comme partie des Provinces du Centre; récemment incorporée à l’État de Bombay. Les territoires des Vākātakas, contemporains des Guptas, correspondaient approximativement à l’actuelle Berār. Elle fut d’abord envahie par des Musulmans en 1294, mais ne fut pas occupée de façon pe…


(1,846 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(Oudh), région comprenant les districts de Lucknow et de Fayḍābād, dans l’État indien d’Uttar Pradesh. Elle a une superficie de 62 595 km- et une population de 15 514 950 habitants, dont 14 156 139 se trouvent dans les districts ruraux (recensement de l’Inde, 1951). Dès une époque très ancienne, l’Awadh, qui comprend une partie de la grande plaine alluviale du Nord de l’Inde, a été le berceau de la civilisation hindoue. Il correspond à peu près au «pays du milieu», le Madhya-desha des livres sac…


(1,680 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, the name of a large and powerful Paṭhān tribe, with an estimated fighting strength of 50,000, on the northwest frontier of Pākistān. The territories inhabited by the Afrīdīs stretch from the eastern spurs of the Safīd Kūh through the northern half of Tirāh and the Khyber (Ḵh̲aybar) [ q.v.] pass to the west and south of the Pes̲h̲āwar district. On the east they are bounded by the settled districts of Pākistān; on the north by the territories of the Mohmunds; on the west by the S̲h̲inwārīs; and on the south by the Ōrakzays and Bangas̲h̲ tribes…

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān K̲h̲ān

(915 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(c. 1844-1901), Amīr of Afg̲h̲ānistān, was the son of Afḍal Ḵh̲ān, the eldest surviving son of Dōst Muḥammad Ḵh̲ān, the founder of the Barakzay dynasty in Afg̲h̲ānistān. In 1853 he proceeded to Afg̲h̲ān Turkistān where his father was serving as governor of Balk̲h̲. Despite his youth he took part in a series of operations which extended Dōst Muḥammad’s power over Katag̲h̲ān, Badak̲h̲s̲h̲ān, and Derwāz. Before his death in 1863 Dōst Muḥammad had nominated a younger son, S̲h̲īr ʿAlī, as his success…


(413 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a former, Muslim-ruled princely state of India, now in Gujarat State of the Indian Union but in British Indian times included in the Western India States Agency. The territory incorporated in this agency included the area formerly known as Kāthiāwār together with the Cutch and Pālanpūr agencies. Its creation in October 1924 marked the end of the political control of the Government of Bombay and the beginning of direct relations with the Government of India. The old Pālanpūr Agency with its headquarters at the town of Pālanpūr was a group of states in Gud̲j̲arāt [ q.v.] lying between 23° …


(355 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, the name of a city, district and division of the northern Pand̲j̲āb in Pākistān. The city lies in lat. 33° 40ʹ N. and long. 73° 08ʹ E. at an altitude of 530 m/1,750 feet. In British Indian times, it was one of the most important military stations of northern India, and is now the headquarters of the Pākistān Army, with extensive cantonments, as well as being an important commercial and industrial centre and the starting-point of the route into Kas̲h̲…


(661 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, a town of northern India (lat. 29° 24′ N., long. 76° 58′ E.) situated 86 km/57 miles north of Dihlī; it is also the name of the southernmost taḥṣīl in the Karnāl District of what was in British Indian times the province of the Pand̲j̲āb [ q.v.] but has since 1947 been in the eastern or Indian part of the divided province of the former Pand̲j̲āb, at present in Haryana province of the Indian Union. On three occasions has the fate of Hindustān been decided on the plain of Pānīpat: in 1526, when Bābur ¶ [ q.v.], the Barlās Turk, defeated Ibrāhīm Lōdī [ q.v.]; in 1556, when Akbar [ q.v.] crushed the forces …

Saʿādat ʿAlī K̲h̲ān

(599 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin | Bosworth, C.E.
, Nawāb of Awadh or Oudh (regn. 1798-1814). His brother Aṣaf al-Dawla had died in September 1797, but after a four months’ interim, Āṣaf al-Dawla’s putative son Wazīr ʿAlī Ḵh̲ān was set aside and the British governor-General Sir John Shore installed in his place Saʿādat ʿAlī Ḵh̲ān, who had been living under British protection in Benares since 1776. His reign is noteworthy for the extension of British control over the Oudh territories. A treaty concluded with the late Nawāb in 1775 had placed these terri…

Bāra Sayyids

(870 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, the descendants of Sayyid Abu ’l-Faraḥ of Wāsiṭ near Bag̲h̲dād, who with his twelve sons emigrated to India in the 7th/13th century and settled in four villages near Patiāla in the sarkār of Sirhand in the sūba of Dihlī. The four main branches of the farnily were named after these four villages. Sayyid Dāʾūd settled in Tihanpūr; Sayyid Abu ’l-Faḍl in Čhatbanūr or Čhatrauri; Sayyid Abu ’l-Faḍāʾil in Kūndlī; and Sayyid Naẓm al-Dīn Ḥusayn in Jagner or Jhajari. From this area they later migrated into the Muẓaffarnagar district of the Ganges-Jumna doāb . The Kundlīwāl…


(1,676 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, inhabitants of India, who claim to be the modern representatives of the Ks̲h̲atriyas of ancient tradition. (From the Sanskrit rād̲j̲aputra “a king’s son”. For the connection between Rād̲j̲anya and Ks̲h̲atriya see Macdonell and Keith, Vedic index, i, s.v. Kṣatriya) The term Rād̲j̲pūt has no racial significance. It simply denotes a tribe, clan, or warlike class, the members of which claim aristocratic rank, a claim generally reinforced by Brahman recognition. The origin of the Rād̲j̲pūts is a problem which bristles with difficulties. The theory which was held earl…


(1,592 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, abu ’l-fatḥ ḏj̲alāl al-dīn muḥammad (15 Oct. 1542-16 Oct. 1605), the greatest of the Mug̲h̲al emperors of India, was born at Umarkot in Sind while his father Humāyūn, who had been ousted by the Afg̲h̲ān usurper S̲h̲īr S̲h̲āh Sūr, was escaping to Persia. A grandson of Bābur, he was both a Tīmūrid Turk and a Čag̲h̲atāy Mongol. His mother, Ḥamīda Bānū, was a Persian. After thirteen years of exile Humāyūn, because of the decline of Sūr power, decided to attempt the reconquest of H…


(164 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a town on the south bank of the Ganges in the S̲h̲āhābād district of the Patna division of the Indian State of Bihār. Population: 18,087. (1951 Census). It seems to have been a place of great sanctity in ancient times and was originally called Vedagarbha ‘the womb of the Vedas’. Local tradition derives the name of the town from a tank originally called aghsar , or effacer of sins, which was later changed to baghsar , the tiger tank. It was at Buxar, on 23 October 1764, that the forces of Mīr Ḳāsim, ex-nawāb of Bengal, and S̲h̲ud̲j̲āʿ al-Dawla, na…

Awrangābād Sayyid

(31 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a small town in the Bulands̲h̲ahr district of Uttar Pradesh, founded in 1704 by Sayyid ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, a descendant of Sayyid Ḏj̲alāl al-Ḥusayn of Buk̲h̲ārā. (C. Collin-Davies)


(239 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, tract of mountainous country in the Dīr, Swāt, and Čitrāl agency of the Pes̲h̲āwar division, West Pākistān. It is bounded on the north by Dīr; on the east by Dīr and Swāt; on the southeast and south by the Utmān Ḵh̲ēl and Mamund territories; and on the west by Afg̲h̲ānistān. It has an area of about 5,000 square miles and is intersected by five valleys—the Čahārmung, Bābūkara, Watalai, Rūd, and Sūr Kamar. In the absence of any census the population has been estimated at 100,000. Bād̲j̲awr is th…


(282 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a village, fort, and district in the upper Yārkhūn valley at present included in the Dīr, Swāt and Čitrāl Political Agency of the North-West Frontier Province of India. It apparently formed part of the ancient territory of Śyāmāka (M. Sylvain Levi, in J. A., xi., vol. v., p. 76; and Lüders, Weitere Beiträge zur Geschichte und Geographie von Ostturkestan, 1930, p. 29 sqq.). Stein identifies Mastūd̲j̲ with the territory of Čü-wei or S̲h̲ang-mi which was visited ¶ by the Chinese pilgrim Wu-K’ung in the viiith century a. d. ( Ancient khotan, i., foot note on p. 15—16; Serindia, i. 18). An insc…


(1,638 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, inhabitants of India, who claim to be the modern representatives of the Ks̲h̲atriyas of ancient tradition. (From the Sanskrit rād̲j̲aputra “a king’s son”. For the connection between Rād̲j̲anya and Ks̲h̲atriya see Macdonell and Keith, Vedic Index, i., s. v. Kṣatriya). The term Rād̲j̲pūt has no racial significance. It simply denotes a tribe, clan, or warlike class, the members of which claim aristocratic rank, a claim generally reinforced by Brahman recognition. The origin of the Rād̲j̲pūts is a problem which bristles with difficulties. The theory which at present …


(512 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(Odra-deça), a part of the modern Indian province of Bihar and Orissa, has an area of 13,706 square miles and a population of 5,306,142, of which only 124,463 profess the Muslim faith. For administrative purposes it is divided into the five districts of Cuttack, Balasore, Purl, Angul and Sambalpur. There are in addition twenty-four native states, the Orissa feudatory states, with a population of 4,465,385, the Muḥammadans numbering only 17,100 (Census of India, 1931). Modern Orissa, which embraces the deltas of the Mahānadī and neighbouring rivers, extends from the Ba…


(288 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a Muslim state in India now included in the Western India States Agency and situated to the south-west of Pālanpūr. The rulers of Rādhanpūr trace their descent from a Muslim adventurer who came to India from Iṣpahān about the middle of the xviith century. His descendants became fawd̲j̲dārs and farmers of revenue in the Mug̲h̲al province of Gud̲j̲arāt [q. v.]. Early in the xviiith century Ḏj̲awān Mard Ḵh̲ān Bābī, the head of the family at that time, received a grant of Rād̲h̲anpūr and other districts ( Mīrʾāt-i Aḥmadī, Ethé, N°. 3599, fol. 742). With the decline of the Mug̲h̲al em…


(369 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a Muslim state in India now included in the Western India States Agency. The territory incorporated in this agency includes the area formerly known as Kāthiāwār together with the Cutch and Pālanpūr agencies. Its creation in October 1924, marked the end of the political control of the Government of Bombay and the beginning of direct relations with the Government of India. The old Pālanpūr Agency with its headquarters at the town of Pālanpūr was a group of states in Gud̲j̲arāt [q. v.] lying betw…


(466 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a town and taḥṣīl in the Karnāl district of the Pand̲j̲āb [q. v.]. On three occasions has the fate of Hindustān been decided on the plain of Pānīpat: in 1526, when Bābur [q. v.], the Barlās Turk, defeated Ibrāhīm Lodī; in 1556, when Akbar [q. v.] crushed the forces of Hēmū; and lastly, in 1761, when the Marāṭhās where defeated by Aḥmad S̲h̲āh Durrānī [q. v.]. The geographical factor combined with internal decay and a weak system of frontier defence has been chiefly responsible for this. From the s…


(309 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a district in the Belgaum division of the Indian State of Mysore. It has an area of 5,305 square miles and a population of 1,575,386 of whom 15% are Muslims (1951 Census). Until the 7th/13th century it remained free from the Muslim invader. In the following century it formed part of Muḥammad b. Tug̲h̲luḳ’s extensive empire. After the decline of Tug̲h̲luḳ power its geographical position, especially its proximity to the Rāyčūr Dōʾāb, made it a bone of contention between the Bahmanī kingdom of th…

Aḥmad S̲h̲āh Durrānī

(1,804 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, the first of the Sadōzay rulers of Afg̲h̲ānistān and founder of the Durrānī empire, belonged to the Sadōzay section of the Popalzay clan of the Abdālī [ q.v.] tribe of Afg̲h̲āns. In the early 18th century the Abdālīs were to be found chiefly around Harāt. Under their leader Zamān Ḵh̲ān, the father of Aḥmad Ḵh̲ān, they resisted Persian attempts to take Harāt until, in 1728, they were forced to submit to Nādir S̲h̲āh. ¶ Some time later they rebelled under Ḏh̲u’l-Fiḳār Ḵh̲ān, the brother of Aḥmad Ḵh̲ān, but were once more defeated by the Persian r…


(129 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, town in the Indian State of Bombay, 56 m. north of Poona. Its proximity to the Nānā Pass made it an important trade centre linking the Deccan with the west coast. The fort of D̲j̲unnar was built by Malik al-Tud̲j̲d̲j̲ār in 840/1436. The district around D̲j̲unnar was one of the ṭarafs or provinces of the Bahmanī kingdom of the Deccan during the administration of Maḥmūd Gāwān [ q.v.]. It later formed part of the Sultanate of Aḥmadnagar. In 1067/1657 the town was plundered by S̲h̲iwad̲j̲ī, the Marāt́hā leader, who was born in the neighbouring hill-fort of S̲h̲iwn…


(168 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(bijnor), a town and district in the Rohilk̲h̲and division of the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh. The district has an area of 1,867 square miles with a population of 984,196, of which 36% are Muslims. The town has a population of 30,646 (1951 Census). Little is known of the district’s early history. In 1399 it was ravaged by Tīmūr. Under Akbar it formed part of the sarkār of Sambhal in the sūba of Dihlī. During the decline of Mug̲h̲al power it was overrun by Rohillas under ʿAlī Muḥammad. It contains the town of Nad̲j̲ibābād founded about 1750 by Nad̲j̲ib al-Dawla who became wāzīr


(419 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a city and district of British India in the Central Division of the Bombay Presidency. The district has an area of 5,332 square miles and a population of 1,169,798 of whom 54,997 are Muslims ( Census Report, 1931). It was included in the powerful Āndhra kingdom of the Dakhan which came to an end about the middle of the third century a. d.. The available ¶ evidence also points to the fact that later the Western Čālukyas, the Rās̲h̲trakūtas, and the Deogīrī Yādavas ruled over this area. With the Ḵh̲ald̲j̲ī and Ṭug̲h̲luḳ [see muḥammad ṭug̲h̲luḳ] invasions of the Dakhan it came under Muslim…


(303 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a division, district, taḥṣīl, and town in the north-west of the Pand̲j̲āb. The division has an area of 21,347 square miles and a population of 3,914,849 of whom 3,362,260 are Muḥammadans. The district, which is divided for administrative purposes into four ¶ taḥṣīls, has an area of 2,050 square miles, with a population of 634,357 (524,965 Muḥammadans). The taḥṣīl covers an area of 770 square miles and supports a population of 289,073 (212,256 Muḥammadans). The town and cantonment, situated on the north bank of the river Leh, have a population of 119,2…

Nūr Ḏj̲ahān

(424 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, name given to Mihr al-Nisāʾ, the famous queen of Ḏj̲ahāngīr, the Mug̲h̲al Emperor. She was born at Ḳandahār in 1577 when her father, G̲h̲iyāt̲h̲ Beg, was migrating from Persia to Hindustān ( Maʾāt̲h̲ir al-Umarāʾ, i. 129). In the reign of Akbar she was married to ʿAlī Ḳulī Beg, a Persian who had rendered distinguished military service to the Emperor and who, because of his bravery, was known as S̲h̲īr Afgan. The assassination of her first husband will always remain a matter of controversy, some regarding it as a repetition of t…


(1,285 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
(Awad̲h̲), a district now forming part of the United Provinces of modern India, has an area of 24,154 square miles and a population of 12,794,979, of which 11,870,266 are to be found in the rural districts (Census of India, 1931). From very early times Oud̲h̲ and the neighbouring countries of the great alluvial plain of northern India have been the peculiar home of Hindu civilization. The ancient Hindu kingdom of Kosala corresponded very nearly to the present province of Oud̲h̲. Its capital, Ayod̲h̲yā, the modern Ad̲j̲od̲h̲yā on the r…


(860 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, the name of a Paṭhān tribe on the north-west frontier of India. The Mahsūds inhabit the heart of Wazīristān around Kāniguram and are shut off from British territory by the Bhittanni country. On all other sides they are flanked by Darwes̲h̲ Ḵh̲ēl Wazīrīs. It is now generally accepted that they left their original home in the Birmal hills of modern Afg̲h̲ānistān sometime towards the close of the fourteenth century and gradually extending eastwards occupied the country in which they now reside. The tribe has three main branches: the Bahlolzai, S̲h̲aman Ḵh̲ēl, and the ʿAlīzai. Ignorant, ill…


(1,215 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, the title given to one of the ministers of the Bahmanī sulṭāns of the Deccan; the chief minister of S̲h̲iwad̲j̲ī; the head of the Marāṭhā confederacy. (Persian “leader”; Pahl. pēs̲h̲ōpay; Arm. pēs̲h̲opay. For older forms see Hübschmann, Armenische Grammatik, i. 230). S̲h̲iwad̲j̲ī, the founder of Marāṭhā political power in the Dakhan, was assisted by a council of ministers known as the As̲h̲ta Pradhan, one of whom was the Pīs̲h̲wā or Muk̲h̲ya Pradhan. The office of Pīs̲h̲wā was not hereditary and the nature of S̲h̲iwad̲j̲ī’s autocratic…


(913 words)

Author(s): Davies, C. Collin
, a city, taḥṣīl, district, and division of the Central Provinces of British India. The modern Central Provinces and Berār, which formed part of the eighteenth century Bhonsla kingdom of Nāgpur, lie between 17° 47′ and 24° 27′ N. and 75° 37′ and 84° 24′ E., with an area of 113,285 square miles, and a total population of 17,951,147. Nāgpur division contains a population of 3,595,578; Nāgpur district 933,168; and the city 215,003 (1931 Census Report). The history of this area, which roughly corresponds to Gondwāna, has been profoundly influenced by the long range of the S…
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