
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Adhami, Siamak" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Adhami, Siamak" )' returned 3 Open Access results. Modify search

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(1,847 words)

Author(s): Adhami, Siamak
Iranian philologist specializing in the field of Middle Persian studies with a focus on social, economic, and ideological issues of the Sasanian period. SHAKI, MANSOUR (Manṣur Šaki), Iranian philologist (b. Tehran, 21 March 1919; d. Prague. 22 March 2000),specializing in the field of Middle Persian studies with a focus on social, economic, and ideological issues of the Sasanian period.Mansour’s ancestors hailed from the Shaki tribe living on the Russian side of the Araxes river (q.v.), but his father, Shaikh ʿAli Khan, who was a military man, moved be…
Date: 2023-01-16


(886 words)

Author(s): Adhami, Siamak
HOUMAN, MAHMOUD (Maḥmud Human; b. Tehran, 1908; d. Germany, October 30, 1980; Figure 1) Iranian thinker and educator. He is primarily remembered for his works in philosophy, history, and Persian literature.Mahmoud Houman was born in Tehran into an affluent merchant family in 1908. After completing his high school education at the German School in Tehran, he attended the Teacher Training College (Dāneš-sarā-ye ʿĀli, q.v.) and later he graduated with a B.Sc. in chemical engineering from the German-Persian vocational school ( madrasa-ye ṣanʿatī) of Tehran. Soon he began …
Date: 2022-02-17


(1,960 words)

Author(s): Adhami, Siamak
MONCHI-ZADEH, DAVOUD (Dāvud Monšizāda; b. Tehran, 28 August 1914; d. Uppsala, 13 July 1989), Iranian linguist and political activist. Davoud Monchi-Zadeh is mainly remembered for his contributions to Iranian linguistics, particularly to the study of Modern and Middle Iranian languages. However, he also led an active political life in Iran and abroad. Monchi-Zadeh’s family hailed originally from Shiraz, but during the reign of the Safavids the family moved to Yerevan (Armenia). His grandfather Karim Beyk and his father Mirzā Ebrāhim Monši-Zāda, bo…
Date: 2021-03-18