
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Bley, Helmut" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Bley, Helmut" )' returned 23 results. Modify search

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Concluding chapter 2. Global interaction and global history

(3,961 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim
1. Europeanization of the world?Until long into the 20th century, western historians and scholars investigating European expansionism and the creation of colonial empires outside Europe spoke as a matter of course and without hesitation of the “Europeanization of the world.” Historians and cultural scientists today use this term with considerably more refinement or refrain from using it altogether – not only because “Europeanization” is no longer a fact since the completion of decolonization …
Date: 2023-11-14

Slave society

(6,751 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | Keil, Hartmut | König, Hans-Joachim
1. IntroductionSocieties in which slavery and the slave trade were of significance are generally classified as either “societies with slaves” or “slave societies.” There were only a few instances of the latter in the early modern period. Their defining characteristic was that their social structure and economy were founded on slavery, and had to be secured by means of the slave trade, slave reproduction, and various forms of coercion.The systemic function of a slave society is most clearly apparent in the accusations that emerged as slavery came to an end. F…
Date: 2022-08-17

Central African world

(4,536 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. Extent The Central African world is considered to include the greater part of modern Cameroon and the modern Central African Republic north of the vast tropical forest region, the river system of the Congo in the tropical rain forest, the extensive savanna landscapes of present-day Angola and Zambia, modern Zimbabwe, and Mozambique [3]; [4]; [18]. This region is characterized by five distinctive features.Helmut Bley 2. Developments within Africa (1) In the first place, the Central African world was profoundly affected by developments within Africa itself, espe…
Date: 2019-10-14

Literate cultures beyond Europe

(5,913 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | Reichmuth, Stefan | Rinke, Stefan | Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig | Frese, Heiko
1. IntroductionTo be considered first in this exploration of the non-European literate cultures are the various manuscript cultures that developed independent dynamics in many parts of Asia and Africa and among the indigenous cultures of Central and South America (American indigenous peoples; see below, 3.). Specific interrelations with oral forms of textual culture are evident here. Also important is the issue of the spread of printing with movable type, which reached other continents from Europ…
Date: 2019-10-14


(9,984 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | Faroqhi, Suraiya | Nolte, Hans-Heinrich | König, Hans-Joachim | Rinke, Stefan
1. Introduction 1.1. European expansion in the context of world historyEuropean expansion from the mid-16th century is rightly regarded as a key event of world history in the early modern period and of epoch-making significance. It is of relevance to Europe itself, doing much to shape its power structures, economy, politics and world view. The explorations that began along the west coast of Africa, then proceeded with the discovery of the New World and the ensuing occupation of important trading posts in …
Date: 2019-10-14

Southern African world

(3,319 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. Introduction 1.1. State formationThe term “Southern African world” is generally understood in a narrower and a broader sense. The stricter definition includes only the extent of what is now South Africa and the neighboring nations of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Namibia. The broader sense also extends to Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, and Zambia.The peculiar dynamic that began to emanate from South Africa with the foundation of the European settlement at Cape Town (1652; see Cape Colony) has made it customary among historians, despite…
Date: 2022-08-17


(3,289 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. IntroductionMetropolis (from the Greek  metrópolis, “mother-city,” “capital city”) in the sense of “laboratory of modernity” [6] is a term generally applied to the major European cities of the 19th century (Town), especially Paris and London, with Berlin joining them at the end of the century. The term thus implies the character of a major city, a relationship with industrialization, and a role as a field of political and cultural experimentation. For the 20th and 21st centuries, the word metropolis refers t…
Date: 2019-10-14

Global interaction

(4,508 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim
1. Introduction and concept The history of the early modern period is the history of the first modern global society. It is still commonplace to interpret it as a period of untrammeled European expansionism. This, however, is uncritically to project the ascendancy of the highly industrialized states of Europe and the United States back into earlier periods, ignoring the fact that this ascendancy only came about in the late 19th century (Industrialization). Through haste and generalization, the slave…
Date: 2019-10-14

Western African world

(5,567 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. Macroregions in the early modern period 1.1. IntroductionThe Western African world probably exhibits the most sophisticated range of development of any African macro-region in the early modern period (see Eastern African world; Southern African world; Central African world). It was particularly shaped by a widely ramified intra-African network of societies and states, which from west to east extended from Mauretania to Cameroon, a distance of over 4,000 km. Furthermore, this Western African …
Date: 2023-11-14


(4,040 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | Nolte, Hans-Heinrich | Reichmuth, Stefan | Hölck, Lasse
1. IntroductionIt is striking in the context of the world history of the early modern period and the global interaction that characterized it that the dominance of nomadic and cattle-farming societies over sedentary peasant societies waned from around the 15th century. Nomads had become strong in Asia and Africa thanks to the military superiority of their mounted armies, generally in combination with the recruitment of sedentary peasants [28], the conquest of cities, the seizure of administrative structures, and the securing of major transregional tradin…
Date: 2020-04-06

Reform movements beyond Europe

(1,418 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. General remarks In the early modern period, societies outside Europe were subject to constant change – like all societies in historical processes. Initiatives focused on social changes can be interpreted as political, social, and economic reforms; they were both responses to internal crises and reactions to external influences, if not structural changes occasioned by conquest or large-scale migrations. Reforms also frequently took on a religious guise. In the context of increasing Eur…
Date: 2021-03-15


(6,083 words)

Author(s): Schwerhoff, Gerd | Gestrich, Andreas | Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim
1. Concept and terminologyViolence (Latin violentia, “violence,” “impetuosity”;  vis, “hostile force”) is the use of force to inflict injury or damage or to intimidate. To use force is to exercise physical power to overcome resistance (although from the perspective of the victim, it represents an infringement of or interference with the physical integrity of the person). Modern discussions among scholars of social and cultural science thus treat specific acts of violence in the sense of Latin vis. There is increasing criticism of extensions of the concept of violence…
Date: 2023-11-14

Prester John

(2,322 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. LegendPrester John (Latin  Presbyter Iohannes) is the legendary figure of a Christian king believed to be variously in Asia or Africa in the late Middle Ages and early modern period, chiefly in Ethiopia. A number of European powers made efforts to find him in order to ally with him against the Islamic empires of the Near East. He was regarded as the ideal Christian king, and was enlisted as a measure against which contemporary rulers were judged (see fig. 1).The legend, the quest for the fabled king in the 14th century, and the hope for an anti-Islamic alliance with him…
Date: 2021-03-15

World system

(2,078 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim
1. DefinitionsThe term  world system is used to denote major historical units of an economic and political nature, with geographical and historical boundaries. They need not embrace the entire world in the geographical sense, but represent a self-contained world with a special self-perception. Clearly several “worlds” of this sort can exist side by side (e.g the Atlantic world, Chinese world, Southern African world). The system constitutes a self-contained unit – that is, a zone or large reg…
Date: 2023-11-14


(4,532 words)

Author(s): Hering Torres, Max Sebastián | Bley, Helmut
1. Concept Race in anthropology is far more of a socially imagined category than a biological reality [12. 71]. “Races are the result, not the premises of racialist arguments” [8. 10]; [12]. They thus arise from imagined human worlds and are ultimately topical constructs of meaning. Racism is both a social practice and a discursive construction that is freighted with power [18. 176]. It is polymorphic and flexible to the point that scholars offer different definitions of it, hence the plea to operate with the plural “racisms” [2]. In terms of history, it is suggested that rac…
Date: 2021-03-15

Periodization, global

(5,094 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. Issue and problemsAny attempt at periodization on the scale of global history will face a number of dilemmas. In the context of global interaction, there is the problem of when European expansionism really began fundamentally to affect and influence major non-European societies. Clearly, it became a structuring force on a global scale primarily in the 19th century, with industrialization and the related phenomenon of imperialism, because those societies yielded to European hegemony and reacted w…
Date: 2020-10-06

British Empire

(6,151 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. First and Second Empire: interpretations “British Empire” is a popular but misleading term. In the first part of the early modern period, British activities in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are better described as an uncoordinated process of exercising influence. There were attempts to settle North America from around 1606. The East India Company, founded in 1600 (East India Companies), conducted activities on the Indian subcontinent. Privateers undertook actions against Spanish fleets, islands in…
Date: 2019-10-14

State formation beyond Europe

(13,207 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim | Conermann, Stephan | Mittag, Achim | Cwik, Christian
1. Overview 1.1. Separate lines of developmentThe formation of states that took place in Central and Western Europe [3] and was summarized as an ideal-typical prototype by Max Weber (State; Authority) [1] was completed in its major variants by the end of the 19th century at the latest, but it became the model for the construction of many subsequent states. But there were formations of states and sovereignties outside Europe parallel to early modern Europe, which followed the logic of corresponding social and religious proce…
Date: 2022-08-17


(8,686 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut | König, Hans-Joachim | Ahuja, Ravi | Nolte, Hans-Heinrich
1. Introduction 1.1. Early modern and modern colonialismAnalysing early modern colonialism within the context of European expansionism is of necessity an attempt to highlight the differences between early modern colonialism and its successors of the late nineteenth and early 20th centuries. As a rule the term colonialism tends to be more widely associated with its varieties of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.This kind of colonialism, especially its late 19th and early 20th century brands, differed from the early modern type as a result of the increa…
Date: 2019-10-14

Eastern African world

(4,517 words)

Author(s): Bley, Helmut
1. The diversity of Africa 1.1. The view from outside Africa is generally seen as one entity [21]; [16], but from two different perspectives. Since the 1960s, historical study of Africa has focused on the subsaharan part of the continent. Afrocentric positions, represented for instance by the Senegalese historian Cheikh Anta Diop, object to this as a racist construct, particularly because it excludes Egypt, with its high culture of Antiquity [8].The term “Africa” itself, which dates from Roman times and has a similar history in Arabic usage, referred at the beg…
Date: 2019-10-14
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