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(350 words)
[German Version] (accusative of
commenda, “trust”, from Lat.
commendare, “to give in trust”), a legal institution of classical canon law that permitted a church official to enjoy the income from an ecclesiastical office without having to fulfill the obligations and duties of a regular benefice. In principle, a benefice could be given
in commendam only as long as it took to fill the vacancy or while the regular incumbent was prevented from carrying out his duties, for example as a result of suspension; cf. also
Decretum Gratiani, cc. 3, 21, q. 1 (
Corpus Iuris Canonici …
Religion Past and Present
Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands (VELKD)
(1,184 words)
[English Version]
I. Geschichtlich Die 1948 gegründete Institution (eine Bundeskirche mit heute acht Gliedkirchen) hat eine im 19.Jh. verankerte Vorgesch., deren Voraussetzung die konfessionelle Spaltung des dt. Protestantismus seit 1529–1648 war. Sie basiert auf dem Axiom, daß alle Kirchen, die sich an den luth. Bekenntnisschriften orientieren, gemäß CA 7 eine einheitliche Kirche bilden. Daraus resultiert auch die Gemeinschaft im Lutherischen Weltbund.
1. Wegen mangelnder Präzision der Begriffe »Bekenntnis« und »luth.« und wegen der Beharrungskraft des…
United Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD)
(1,407 words)
[German Version]
I. History This institution, founded in 1948 (a German Federal Church with eight member churches) has a prehistory rooted in the 19th century which presupposes the confessional division of German Protestantism from 1529 to 1648. It is based on the axiom that, according to ¶
CA 7, all churches that follow the Lutheran confessional documents form a single church. This also results in fellowship in the Lutheran World Federation.
1. Because of a lack of precision in the terms “confession” and “Lutheran,” and the persistency of the
Landeskirchen model, efforts for union …
Religion Past and Present