
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Friedrich, Norbert" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Friedrich, Norbert" )' returned 4 results. Modify search

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Innere Mission

(774 words)

Author(s): Friedrich, Norbert
1. Begriff und Vorläufer Der Begriff der I. M. ist untrennbar mit dem Hamburger Theologen Johann Hinrich Wichern und dessen umfassendem sozialdiakonischen Programm verbunden. Er machte ihn um die Mitte des 19. Jh.s zu einem Markenzeichen der evang. Diakonie und betonte damit deren theologische Begründung. Er verband damit sowohl die Idee der christl. Liebestätigkeit im Sinne der Armenpflege als auch ein umfassendes gesellschaftliches Christianisierungsprogramm.Der Terminus selbst stammt von Wicherns Lehrer, dem Göttinger Theologieprofessor Friedrich Lücke, der von …
Date: 2019-11-19

Inner mission

(878 words)

Author(s): Friedrich, Norbert
1. The term and precursorsThe term inner mission is inseparably associated with the Hamburg pastor Johann Hinrich Wichern and his broad program of social welfare work. Around the middle of the 19th century, he made it a trademark of Protestant diaconal welfare, thus emphasizing the theological foundation of welfare work. In inner mission, he combined the idea of Christian charitable activity in the sense of poor relief with a comprehensive program of social Christianization. The term itself was coined by Wichern’s professor of theology at Göttingen, Friedrich Lück…
Date: 2019-10-14


(688 words)

Author(s): Link, Christoph | Friedrich, Norbert
[German Version] 1. Johannes (Nov 24, 1889, Kammerstein, Middle Franconia – Dec 15, 1965, Tübingen), Protestant teacher of constitutional and church law. After service in the church in Munich and later in Berlin, he became a private lecturer in 1923, and supernumerary professor in Berlin in 1926; in 1928, he was a full professor of public law and church law in Bonn, and in Munich from 1934 (with an interruption), until his retirement in 1957. After his initial labors in the history of church law as …

Mumm, Reinhard

(211 words)

Author(s): Friedrich, Norbert
[German Version] (Jul 25, 1873, Düsseldorf – Aug 25, 1932, Berlin), Christian Socialist theologian and politician. During his theological studies (at Bonn, Halle, Berlin, and Utrecht) Mumm was already stimulated by A. Stoecker and his ideas (Christian Social Movement). Mumm became general secretary of the social-conservative Freie Kirchlich-Soziale Konferenz; he maintained links with the organization until his death. At the same time he became active in the Christian Socialist Party founded by Sto…