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(946 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Practical Theology
I. History of Religions The word “alcohol,” from Arab.
al-kuhl (“fine powder”), originally referred to eye makeup; later it came to mean “invisible substance in a beverage.” The process of making alcohol from sugar or starch has been known for thousands of years. Yeast and warmth trigger the process of fermentat…
Religion Past and Present
Glossolalia (Speaking in Tongues)
(1,081 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. New Testament – III. Psychology of Religion
I. Religious Studies Glossolalia is a universal religious phenomenon in which utterances are produced that from the viewpoint of the speaker belong to a foreign “language.” Glossolalia appears in many cultures. In non-Christian contexts, it is often shamans (Shamanism), magicians (Magic), or other religious virtuosos who make use of it. When the ¶ spirit leaves the body or the body is taken over by another spirit, the shaman often signals the event by uttering alien sound…
Religion Past and Present