Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Liebau, Heike" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Liebau, Heike" )' returned 6 results. Modify search
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Benjamin Schultze
(781 words)
Date of Birth: 7 January 1689 Place of Birth: Sonnenburg (present-day Słonsk, Poland) Date of Death: 25 September 1760 Place of Death: Halle/Saale
BiographyBorn in Sonnenburg (present-day Słonsk, Poland) on 7 January 1689 as the twelfth child in his family, Benjamin Schultze’s formal education started at the age of four at the local school. In 1704, he continued his education in Landsberg/Warthe, the most important town of the New Mark at that time. There, he first heard about the Tranquebar Mission in south-east Indi…
Compendiaria Alcorani refutatio indostanice
(919 words)
'A short refutation of the Qur'an in Hindustani'
Benjamin Schultze Date: 1744 Original Language: Urdu
DescriptionOn 31 October 1741, Benjamin Schultze announced the completion of
Compendiaria Alcorani refutatio indostanice, in a letter sent to Halle. He also described the contents, the intention and the process of writing the pamphlet. Schultze sent a copy to Johann Heinrich Callenberg (1694-1760), the founder of the
Institutum Judaicum et Muhammedicum in Halle, where the booklet was printed in 1744. Schultze is regarded as the only author of the book, althou…
Kaiser kī jay (Long Live the Kaiser): Perceptions of World War I and the Socio-Religious Movement Among the Oraons in Chota Nagpur 1914–1916
(10,800 words)
Liebau, Heike - Kaiser kī jay (Long Live the Kaiser): Perceptions of World War I and the Socio-Religious Movement Among the Oraons in Chota Nagpur 1914–1916
Keywords: India | Religion | Home fronts | Politics | The French and British Empires | Germany | Literature
The World in World Wars Heike Liebau, Katrin Bromber , Katharina Lange , Dyala Hamzah and Ravi Ahuja , (2010)
Publication Editor: Brill, The Netherlands, 2010
e-ISBN: 9789004188471
DOI: 10.1163/ej.9789004185456.i-618.59 © 2010 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands Liebau, Heike
(10,019 words)
Liebau, Heike; Bromber, Katrin; Lange, Katharina; Hamzah, Dyala; Ahuja, Ravi - The World in World Wars
Keywords: Politics | India | Africa | Culture | Middle East | East Africa | Western Front | Society | Experience of combat | The French and British Empires
The World in World Wars Heike Liebau, Katrin Bromber , Katharina Lange , Dyala Hamzah and Ravi Ahuja , (2010)
Publication Editor: Brill, The Netherlands, 2010
e-ISBN: 9789004188471
DOI: 10.1163/ej.9789004185456.i-618.5 © 2010 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands
Kulturkontakt, globaler
(8,984 words)
1. EinleitungLange Zeit meinte der Begriff K. das Zusammentreffen unterschiedlicher, in sich homogener und statischer kultureller Einheiten. Moderne Ansätze zum Verständnis von K. gehen demgegenüber von einem anderen Kulturbegriff aus. Demnach ist Kultur ein »selbstgesponnenes Bedeutungsgewebe« [3. 9] des menschlichen Bewusstseins, das sich in dynamischen Prozessen der Konstruktion von Symbolen permanent verändert. Die Deutungen erfolgen sowohl individuell als auch kollektiv und produzieren Bedeutungen und Identitäten. Diese Interp…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
Cultural contact, global
(9,702 words)
1. Introduction The term cultural contact was long taken to mean the meeting of different cultural units that was homogenous and static in themselves. Modern approaches to an understanding of the concept proceed on the basis of a different idea of culture, seeing it as a “self-woven web of meaning” [3. 9] in human consciousness, subject to perpetual change in dynamic processes of the construction of symbols. Interpretations are thus made both individually and collectively, and these give rise to meanings and identities. This interpretation br…