Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lienemann, Wolfgang" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lienemann, Wolfgang" )' returned 2 results. Modify search
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Violence and the Use of Force
(2,190 words)
[German Version]
I. Anthropology Violence as the power of some to intimidate others against their will by threat or exercise of physical coercion or force them to (or not to) behave or act in a particular way is a phenomenon of all ages, cultures and societies. It is a constant of the human capacity for being; its exercise, encouragement, restraint, and restriction depend on many social variables. A historically differentiated anthropology will inquire into the factors determining various forms of violence. The causes of human violence have been defined variously. In his dri…
Religion Past and Present
Conciliar Process
(487 words)
[German Version] (for justice, peace and the preservation of creation).
I. The 6th plenary assembly of the World Council of Churches in 1983 challenged churches to enter into a “conciliar process of mutual obligation (covenant) for justice, peace and the preservation of creation” (JPC). The German Protestant Church Conference (
Kirchentag ) of 1985 followed with the appeal to “the churches of the world to convene a council of peace.” Causes at the time were the intense political tensions between East and West,…
Religion Past and Present