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Cutting tools
(2,030 words)
1. AgricultureUntil the late 19th century, the prevailing European technologies for mowing hay and harvesting grain were dominated by the use of sickles, short scythes or siths, and scythes [4]. The three different types of tool were fully developed by around 1500. In the course of the late Middle Ages, the sickle (a crescent-shaped blade, sometimes serrated, with a short wooden handle), already in use in premedieval agriculture, was replaced by the two-handed, long-handled reaping scythe in some regions (see Harvest, …
(1,336 words)
1. SurveyFrom the 18th century on, repair is mentioned in encyclopedias as an everyday phenomenon. Various synonyms of the verb include
maintain, and
patch. In the early 20th century, the economist Karl Bücher cited the importance of the repair business and “reworking old objects” in his study of the professions in the city of Frankfurt am Main even in the Middle Ages [3. 18]. In the years that followed, however, economic and social history as well as the history of technology concentrated primaril…
(1,400 words)
1. OverviewIn the early modern period, the personal creation of apparel at home was limited to simple types and fabrics. Since superior fabrics were expensive and there was great danger of ruining them by improper cutting, specialists were employed [16. 153 f.]. Everyday needs necessitated an extensive clothing trade; in this period, therefore, tailors (French
tailleurs, German
Schneider, Italian
sarti) constituted one of the largest urban trades (Crafts and trades), especially in cities with a high population density. In Paris in the late 1770…
(8,431 words)
1. ConceptEnergy (from the Greek
enérgeia, “activity”, “actuality”) today describes the capacity of a body or a physical system to do work. Energy being a conserved quantity that, while appearing in different forms (mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc.), remains constant in total in isolated systems is one of the most fundamental principles of natural science, applying equally to and thus connecting the physical and chemical sciences and biology. Mechanics was already approaching an unders…
(7,929 words)
1. Allgemein 1.1. Definition In der modernen ökonomischen Theorie bezeichnet der Begriff M. das Zusammentreffen von Angebot und Nachfrage zum Zwecke des Tausches. Ein »perfekter« oder »vollkommener« M. – im Gegensatz zum Monopol-M. – ist dann gegeben, wenn der M.-Preis durch den einzelnen Anbieter oder Nachfrager nicht beeinflusst werden kann. Dieser Gleichgewichtspreis gilt als effizient und ist dann möglich, wenn keine sachlichen und zeitlichen Präferenzen von Nachfragern oder Anbietern vorliegen, vollkommene M.-Transparenz herrsch…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(5,771 words)
1. Begriff Die Vermittlung von technischem (= techn.) Wissen und Können erfolgte in der Nz. in verschiedenen Kontexten: zunächst in Haushalt, Betrieb oder Institutionen durch Ausbildung bzw. Zusammenarbeit; dies wird als vertikaler Transfer bezeichnet. Andererseits verbreiteten sich techn. Wissen und Können horizontal von Region zu Region, zwischen polit. definierten Territorien oder auch in globaler Perspektive zwischen Kontinenten. Solcher T. konnte aktiv gefördert werden, z. B. von Territorialherren;…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(3,031 words)
1. PorzellanhandelP. war bis ins frühe 18. Jh. ein exklusiv chines. Handelsgut, das bereits Jahrhunderte vor der Ankunft der Europäer im Asienhandel eine wichtige Rolle spielte. Im frühen 14. Jh., zur Zeit der Yuan-Dynastie (1271–1368), begann China mit der Produktion von blau-weißem P., das speziell für den auswärtigen Handel bestimmt war. Archäologische Funde weisen Indien und den Nahen Osten (Persien, Syrien, Konstantinopel) als Hauptexportregionen im 14. und frühen 15. Jh. aus. Nach chines. Vorbildern wurde auch in Vietnam, das zur Zeit der Ming-Dynastie (1368–1644) von C…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(8,318 words)
1. General remarks
1.1. DefinitionIn modern economic theory, the term
market refers to the encounter of supply with demand for the purpose of exchange. A “perfect” or “complete” market – in contrast to a monopoly market – exists when the market price cannot be influenced by individual suppliers or demanders. This equilibrium price is considered efficient; it is possible in the absence of practical or seasonal preferences on the part of consumers or producers, when market transparency predominates, when th…
Technology transfer
(6,131 words)
1. Terminology In the early modern period, the communication of technological knowledge and skills took place in a variety of contexts. Initially it involved training or collaboration in households, firms, or institutions; this is called vertical transfer. At the same time, technological knowledge and skills were disseminated horizontally from region to region, between politically defined territories, and on a global scale even between continents. Such technology transfer could be activ…
(3,203 words)
1. TradeUntil the early 18th century, porcelain was an exclusively Chinese commodity that had played an important role in trade for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans and the advent of the Asia trade. It was in the early 14th century, under the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), that China began production of blue-and-white porcelain, which was intended specifically for export. Archaeological finds show that the main export regions in the 14th and early 15th centuries were India and the Near Ea…
(7,738 words)
1. AllgemeinM. kamen in Europa schon lange vor der Industrialisierung zum Einsatz. Die Verbreitung der Wassermühle reicht bis in die Antike zurück, und zu Beginn der Nz. arbeiteten in Europa zehntausende Mühlen, die neben dem Mahlen von Getreide auch andere grobe Arbeiten wie das Zerkleinern z. B. von Rinde für das Gerben (Lederproduktion) oder das Stampfen der Bestandteile des Schießpulvers leisteten. Bis weit ins 19. Jh. hinein wurden solche M., zu denen auch Kräne (Hebevorrichtungen) und Wasserhebewerke (Wasserkünste) zu r…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(8,634 words)
1. General remarksMachines were in use in Europe long before industrialization. The watermill was in widespread use going back to antiquity, and there were tens of thousands of working mills in Europe at the beginning of the modern era, including mills for grain and for other rough work like crushing, for example of hides for tanning (Leather production), or for pounding the components of gunpowder. Machines of this sort, along with cranes (Lifting apparatus) and pumping stations (Water and the ar…