Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Ruggles, D. Fairchild" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Ruggles, D. Fairchild" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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Andalusian art and architecture
(5,238 words)
Andalusian art and architecture spans the period from the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty in Spain in the middle of the second/eighth century, through the Taifa, Almoravid, Almohad, and Naṣrid periods. (Mudejar art and architecture is covered in a separate article.) Al-Andalus was renowned for its luxurious palatial architecture and its artisanal workshops that produced high-quality carved stucco, marble, and ivory; glazed ceramics, including lustre ware; sumptuous textiles; and manuscripts of the Qurʾān illuminated in gold. The a…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
(3,185 words)
Alhambra is a walled complex of palaces built on the fortified Sabīka hilltop overlooking the city of Granada, which was the seat of power of the Naṣrids (r. 629–897/1232–1492), the last Muslim dynasty in al-Andalus. The site had been settled and a fortress built by the Umayyads and, more significantly, the Zīrids (r. in al-Andalus 403–83/1013–90). The Alhambra (al-Ḥamrāʾ, “the red,” a reference to the reddish colour of its walls) is not a single palace but rather a cluster of royal residence…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
(5,985 words)
Gardens took many forms in Islamic lands, from the quadripartite
chahār bāgh to the stepped terrace garden, the simple courtyard with central water basin, and many other plans. In addition to simply offering respite from the hot arid conditions of the surrounding landscape, the garden could express important ideas about sovereignty, territory, stewardship, wealth, and religion. While domestic and palace gardens were often sites of entertainment, they could also be stages for political display. In cemeterie…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
(596 words)
Nāʾīn (Nāyin) is a small town (lat. N 32°52′ long. E 53°05′, elev. 1,408 metres) on the southwestern edge of the Great Desert of central Iran, on the road connecting Yazd with Isfahan and Qum. The town, known for its large citadel and its congregational mosque, seems to have had a pre-Islamic history, but nothing is known of it. The mediaeval Islamic geographers place it in the
sardsīr (cooler upland regions) and describe it as located administratively within Fārs but as dependent on either Yazd or Isfahan. According to Mustawfī (69, trans. 77), its citadel, wh…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Nafīsa, al-Sayyida
(1,044 words)
Al-Sayyida Nafīsa (d. Ramaḍān 208/January 824) was a pious and learned woman who became venerated in Cairo as one of its most celebrated saints. She was the daughter of al-Ḥasan b. Zayd b. al-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī b. ʿAbī Ṭālib (d. 167/783), the governor of Medina and a
ḥadīth transmitter, and thus directly descended from the prophet Muḥammad. That she lived in prominent Shīʿī circles is evident from her marriage to Abū Muḥammad Isḥāq al-Muʾtamin, son of the famed Shīʿī Imām and
ḥadīth transmitter Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq (d. 148/765), and a
ḥadīth transmitter himself. Moving from Medina to al-Fusṭā…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Badr al-Dīn Luʾluʾ
(765 words)
Al-Malik al-Raḥīm
Badr al-Dīn Abū l-Faḍāʾil
Luʾluʾ (d. 657/1259) was a military slave
(mamlūk) and freedman
(mawlā) of the last Zangids of Mosul; he ruled this principality towards the end of his career. Similar to the Begtigīnids in Ḥarrān and Irbil, Luʾluʾ took advantage of the disintegration of the Zangid realms in al-Jazīra to found a short-lived dynasty. He was most likely of Armenian origin. (Previous authors have assumed, most likely on the basis of his name Luʾluʾ (“pearl”), that he was of sub-Saharan origin; e.g., Cahen.) Luʾluʾ’s rise to power followed the pattern typica…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Cemeteries and funerary architecture
(4,668 words)
Cemeteries vary widely across the Islamic world, from simple open-air burial areas to large imperial
funerary complexes containing graves marked with simple headstones and free-standing domed tombs. Although Prophetic
ḥadīths strongly discouraged the building of tombs and the visiting of graves, the practice was not expressly forbidden, and thus, from the earliest centuries of Islam, cemeteries and commemorative monuments proliferated amongst both Sunnī and Shīʿī Muslims. Early cemeteries were typically located outside the…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Cyprus art and architecture
(1,564 words)
The complex history of the
art and architecture of Cyprus rests largely on its position in the eastern Mediterranean, where the island was a launching point for the waves of Crusaders seeking to conquer the Islamic cities of the Levant and Egypt in the sixth/twelfth and seventh/thirteenth centuries. Cyprus itself had an eclectic array of architectural styles, while serving also as an intermediary for the exchange of architectural elements amongst Muslim, Catholic, and Byzantine patrons. Cyprus’s major city was the southeastern port of Famagusta, with grand Gothic cathe…
Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE