
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schmitt, Hans-Christoph" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schmitt, Hans-Christoph" )' returned 4 results. Modify search

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Literature, Biblical and Early Christian

(9,082 words)

Author(s): Schmitt, Hans-Christoph | Paulsen, Henning | May, Gerhard
1. OT 1.1. Task Viewing the OT as literature means engaging in critical literary analysis (Exegesis, Biblical) of the individual books. There is then an attempt to achieve ¶ a synthetic picture of the development of the entire literature of Israel from its early beginnings to the age of the Maccabees. This study will also take account of Israel’s life settings. First, however, this endeavor must survey the forms and genres of the preliterary tradition. 1.2. History of Research H. Gunkel (1862–1932) initiated this kind of study, at least in outline (Die israelitische Litera…

Redaction Criticism of the Bible

(1,133 words)

Author(s): Schmitt, Hans-Christoph
[German Version] I. Definition In the context of historical biblical scholarship, redaction criticism examines the growth of a text from its first appearance in writing through possible editorial stages to the form reconstructed by text criticism. This process of textual transformation described by redaction criticism is called redaction history. Here redaction means the written revision of a text (either formerly retold orally or already in writing) and its recasting as a new whole. When it is understood in this sense, a distinction between “c…

Love of/for God

(5,381 words)

Author(s): Schmitt, Hans-Christoph | Morgen, Michèle | Stock, Konrad | Avemarie, Friedrich | Necker, Gerold | Et al.
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. New Testament – III. Christianity – IV. Judaism – V. Islam I. Old Testament 1. God's love The notion of YHWH's love (in Heb. primarily derivatives of the root אהב/ ʾhb) for his people first appears in the book of the prophet Hosea, where God's love is cited as the “ground of divine election” (Jenni) in response to challenges to the election (I) of Israel by God (Hos 1:9). Hosea uses the image of a father's love (11:1; cf. also 11:4); despite his son's disobedience, he cannot give him up …

Redaktionskritik der Bibel

(981 words)

Author(s): Schmitt, Hans-Christoph
[English Version] I. Begriff Im Rahmen der hist. Bibelwissenschaft untersucht die R. die Entstehung eines Textes von der ersten schriftlichen Aufzeichnung über eventuelle Bearbeitungsstadien bis zur vorliegenden, durch die Textkritik rekonstruierten Gestalt. Dieser durch die R. beschriebene Textentstehungsprozeß wird als Redaktionsgesch. bez. Redaktion meint dabei die schriftliche Bearb. eines (entweder bisher mündlich tradierten oder bereits verschrifteten) Textes und dessen Umgestaltung zu einem …