
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schweitzer, Friedrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schweitzer, Friedrich" )' returned 21 results. Modify search

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Catechesis and Catechetics

(3,702 words)

Author(s): Bienert, Wolfgang A. | Fraas, Hans-Jürgen | Schoberth, Ingrid | Schweitzer, Friedrich | Phan, Peter
[German Version] I. History – II. Practical Theology – III. Latin America, Asia, Africa I. History 1. Early Church. The verb κατήχειν/ katḗchein originally denoted the oral transmission of a message in the sense of “tell, inform.” In Paul and early Christian literature it usually means “teach, instruct” (Gal 6:6; Lat. catechizare); in contrast to glossolalia, it refers to intelligible speech (1 Cor 14:19; Luke 1:4) such as instruction in the law (Rom 2:18) or in the teaching (“the way”) of the Lord (Acts 18:25). In t…

Psychology of Learning

(833 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. The Term The psychology of learning is a subdiscipline of psychology that also developed as a science during the 20th century. It is guided by the definition of learning as an object of study that deliberately casts a wide net; from the start, it has not been limited to education, schools, or other forms of teaching and instruction. Learning refers to all changes in behavior that can be traced to experience (in contrast to maturation or growth, as well as the effects of drugs) and prove relatively long-lasting. The psychology of learning studies not …

Mead, George Herbert

(192 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] (Feb 27, 1863, South Hadley, MA – Apr 26, 1931, Chicago), son of pastor and homiletics professor Hiram Mead, studied at Oberlin College (until 1883) and Harvard (1887/1888), where he had contacts with J. Royce and W. James. Subsequently, he studied in Leipzig (with W. Wundt and others) and in Berlin (with, among others, W. Dilthey). In 1891, he became a lecturer in psychology at the University of Michigan (from that time, contact with J. Dewey); in 1894, he moved to the University…


(15,718 words)

Author(s): Grethlein, Christian | Zenkert, Georg | Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette | Fox, Michael V. | Klauck, Hans-Josef | Et al.
[German Version] I. Concept – II. Philosophy – III. Greco-Roman Antiquity – IV. Bible – V. Church History – VI. Ethics – VII. Practical Theology and Pedagogy – VIII. Judaism – IX. Islam I. Concept Traditionally, “education” has denoted the intentional interaction of adults with the younger generation in order-usually-to influence them positively; whether it makes sense to speak of education when negative goals are deliberately pursued is …

Bollnow, Otto Friedrich

(193 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] (Mar 14, 1903, Stettin – Feb 7, 1991, Tübingen) studied in Berlin, received his doctorate in physics in 1925 from Göttingen, with further studies of philosophy with Georg Misch and H. Nohl; he taught in the Odenwald School, habilitated in philosophy in 1931, became professor of pedagogy in Gießen in 1939, in Mainz in 1946, and held a chair in …


(1,226 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich | Lachmann, Rainer
[German Version] I. Dogmatics – II. Ethics – III. Education I. Dogmatics


(6,026 words)

Author(s): Heine, Susanne | Murken, Sebastian | Schweitzer, Friedrich | Fraas, Hans-Jürgen
[German Version] I. What Is Psychology? The psyche (Soul: IV) as the object of psychology is accessible only through a theory that attempts to obtain a cognitive grasp of the inner life and experience of human beings (thinking, imagining, wishing, feeli…


(1,260 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. Social Sciences – II. Social Ethics – III. Practical Theology I. Social Sciences Organization in the broadest sense refers to the activity of ordering, arranging, administering, etc., and in the sense of self-organization, autopoiesis, etc. the process by which systemic structures develop, including in nature or in the field of natural science. As a sociological and economic concept, organization denotes an insti-¶ tution that is characterized by specific features or elements. Mention is frequently made of defined membership, predetermined…


(1,371 words)

Author(s): Bochinger, Christoph | Mette, Norbert | Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. Religious Studies The term soc…


(4,777 words)

Author(s): Gantke, Wolfgang | Haigis, Peter | Schweitzer, Friedrich | Nipkow, Karl Ernst | Bornhauser, Thomas | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies Pluralism arises from the ineradicable diversity (Unity and diversity) of the world, whereas monism presupposes the unity of the world and views this diversity as nothing more than an illusion or an antecedent stage on the road to “ultimate” unity. Classical phenomenology of religion, fo…


(10,035 words)

Author(s): Mohn, Jürgen | Koch, Klaus | Frey, Jörg | Zachhuber, Johannes | Mesch, Walter | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies 1. General. The words for time denote in different languages, according to their etymological derivation and symbolic semantic field, different ways of dividing natural and cultural forms of progression and sequences of events into parts separated and distinguished from one another. The German word for time,

School Reform

(761 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] The term school reform, or more broadly educational reform, is often limited to particular epochs, like the ambitious reforms of the 1960s. In fact the history of school reform goes back as far as the history of schools and the critique of schools: schools can and should get constantly better and are therefore permanently subject to reform. In school reform, currently age’s dominant notions of culture and education (Education/Formation) and of the life of individuals and society come to t…


(5,784 words)

Author(s): Zenkert, Georg | Preul, Reiner | Schweitzer, Friedrich | Leschinsky, Achim
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. History – III. Philosophy – IV. Philosophy of Religion, Dogmatics, Ethics – V. Practical Theology and Education – VI. Social History I. Terminology This article deals with formative education, corresponding to the German term Bildung (cf. Fr. formation). (The related article education deals with the subject area of Erziehung, covering education and training. Bildung or formation may be considered more general, with cultural overtones, while Erziehung places more emphasis on schooling.) ¶ Even in its earliest form, OHG bildunga (“creat…


(1,913 words)

Author(s): Jödicke, Ansgar | Barbour, John D. | Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] …


(2,323 words)

Author(s): Gantke, Wolfgang | Beutler, Johannes | Slenczka, Notger | Schweitzer, Friedrich | Sieckmann, Jan-R.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Bible – III. Dogmatics – IV. Education and Ethics – V. Law I. Religious Studies Emphasis on the phenomenon known as obedience varies among religions, but wherever human beings are understood as hearers of a divine or sacred word obedience plays an important role as the claim of a higher, transhuman power on human beings. The religious will to obey presupposes prevailing over one’s own self-will for the sake of God or what is holy. The Enlighten-¶ ment, which calls human beings to autonomy, led to a crisis of the religious concept of o…


(880 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. Concept and History – II. The Present – III. Religious Education and Theology I. Concept and History It has often been observed that the term learning is highly ambiguous, in large part because until recently it has only been used colloquially. Since ancient times, the shifting concepts of learning have derived from the concepts of teaching and instruction, as well as the concepts of education, formation (Education/Formation), ¶ and school. The concepts of knowledge and understanding (Epistemology) debated in Greek philosophy (Sophistic schoo…

Psychology of Adolescence

(1,677 words)

Author(s): Kim, Hye-On | Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. General It is generally recognized today that not just our everyday talk of “adolescence” and “youth” but also our concept of adolescent psychology involves a “social construct.” Psychology no longer views its specialized knowledge as a direct, veridical representation of the world. Psychologists are increasingly taking into account the fact that the “latest scientific conclusions” reflect a variety of assumptions in the particular underlying social and cultural circumstances and are therefore limited in scope. But common dependence on cultural settings, spirit of the times, and fashion by no means entails that the popular “public” image of adolescents presented and shaped by the media coincides with current scientific knowledge. A good example is the well-known German Shell youth study in 2000, which paints a picture of adolescents that has lit…

Vocational Education

(88 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] …

Education, Theory of

(7,852 words)

Author(s): Nipkow, Karl Ernst | Koerrenz, Ralf | Tenorth, H.-Elmar | Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] I. The Term – II. History – III. Present-Day Emphases – IV. Significance for Theology I. The Term The expression “theory of education” (or: “education theory and methodology” – Ger. Pädagogik) serves as a “collective term for all theoretical and practical endeavors in respect of education. As a theory, it refers to the essence of the teaching(s) or science(s) ‘about’ and ‘for’ education, and also to educationally significant reality (in the broad sense). Education theory as a practice is understood to be the totality of activities and processes through which education is carried out and optimized” (Weber 12). The parallel term “education science” (Ger. Erziehungswissenschaft) is found within the context of a social scientific and empirical turning point in the discipline. There is wide consensus today that scientific education theory may neither be thought of without normative precedents nor be constructed without empirical research. ¶ At the end of the 18th century, educational theory became a separate discipline, because (a) ecclesiastical and theological structures lost some of their currency, (b) …

Piaget, Jean

(396 words)

Author(s): Schweitzer, Friedrich
[German Version] …
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