
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schrott, Georg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schrott, Georg" )' returned 1 result. Modify search

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(3,769 words)

Author(s): Schrott, Georg | Fürst, Ulrich
1. DefinitionThe term monastery (German  Kloster, from Latin  claustrum, “enclosed place”) denotes both the institution and the architecture of monks (Monasticism) or nuns living in community (Convent) – such as religious individuals who have made a vow (profession) to a religious order and live in an enclosure (a complex of monastery spaces that outsiders may not enter). The group of the religious belonging to a monastery is also called a convent (German Konvent); in English  convent usually denotes denotes a community of women or is used as a synonym for  friary, a community o…
Date: 2020-04-06