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(1,015 words)
[English Version] . In den synopt. Evv. begegnet das Bild eines von Jesus eingesetzten Kreises von zwölf Jüngern, die ihn ständig begleiten und von ihm beauftragt werden, in seiner Vollmacht zu wirken (Mk 3,13–19). Diese Aufgabenbestimmung erklärt jedoch nicht die Zwölfzahl. Die »Zwölf« werden zwar bei einigen Ereignissen von den Evangelisten ausdrücklich als Begleiter Jesu genannt (Mk 9,35; 10,32; 11,11; 14,17; Mt 11,1; Lk 8,1), aber die bes. Rolle der »Zwölf« bleibt unklar, vgl. Mk 6,7 (Aussendu…
Twelve, The (Disciples)
(1,216 words)
[German Version] The Synoptic Gospels describe a circle of twelve disciples appointed by Jesus who accompany him at all times, and whom he also instructs to act in his name (Mark 3:13–19). However, this task assignment does not explain why there are twelve disciples. Although the “Twelve” are explicitly mentioned as companions of Jesus in a number of situations (Mark 9:35; 10:32; 11:11; 14:17; Matt 11:1; Luke 8:1), the specific role of the “Twelve” remains unclear (cf. Mark 6:7 [sending out of the…
Religion Past and Present
(4,151 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. New Testament – III. History – IV. Fundamental Theology – V. Dogmatics
I. Religious Studies
1. Terminology The terms
inspiration (from Lat.
inspiratio, “insufflation”) and
theopneusty come from the NT. Prophecy comes through the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1:21); in 2 Tim 3:16, the adjective ϑεόπνευστος/
theópneustos) ¶ describes Scripture as being “inspired by God.” In many religions, we encounter the idea that communications enter the human sphere through the mediation of other entities. Plato (
Phaidr. 265) was already systematizing m…
Religion Past and Present