Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties — 40 Years After (Volume 344)

(69,394 words)

Author(s): E. Villiger, Mark
E. Villiger, Mark Keywords: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969) | Legal history | International customary law | Law of treaties | Public international law | Mots clefs: Convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités (Vienne, 23 mai 1969) | Histoire du droit | Droit coutumier international | Droit des traités | Droit international public | ABSTRACT The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, regulating treaties between States, lies at the heart of international law. This course analyses how the Convention has been applied by …

The Interaction between Customary International Law and Treaties (Volume 322)

(72,359 words)

Author(s): Dinstein, Yoram
Dinstein, Yoram Keywords: Treaties | International customary law | Law of treaties | Mots clefs: Traités | Droit coutumier international | Droit des traités | ABSTRACT Yoram Dinstein, Professor emeritus of the University of Tel Aviv, reminds us that Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice prescribes three strata – often referred to as "sources" – of international law. This study is confined to the interaction between two of those strata, namely treaties and customs, and does not deal with the gene…

The Formation of Customary International Law (Volume 272)

(111,681 words)

Author(s): H. Mendelson, Maurice
H. Mendelson, Maurice Keywords: International customary law | Public international law | Mots clefs: Droit coutumier international | Droit international public | ABSTRACT Maurice Mendelson, professor at University College, London, insists in his course on the formation of customary international law on the fact that when we think of customary law-making in the international community, we should be thinking less of the modern legal process than of the customary domestic societies which existed everywhere in the past, b…

Custom and Treaty in the Law of the Sea (Volume 205)

(29,074 words)

Author(s): Bernhardt, Rudolf
Bernhardt, Rudolf Keywords: International customary law | Law of the sea | Law of treaties | International law | Mots clefs: Droit coutumier international | Droit de la mer | Droit des traités | Droit international | ABSTRACT Rudolf Bernhardt, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, notes that the combined play of custom and treaty, in the Law of the Sea, requires the consideration of general and theoretical elements and requires an attempt to link these general considerat…

Méthodes de recherche de la coutume internationale dans la pratique des États (Volume 192)

(37,052 words)

Author(s): Ferrari Bravo, Luigi
Ferrari Bravo, Luigi Keywords: International customary law | Public international law | Mots clefs: Droit coutumier international | Droit international public | ABSTRACT Luigi Ferrari Bravo, Professor at the University of Rome, examines in his course the manifestations of the practice of States with regard to research methodologies of international custom (diplomatic and legislative practice, jurisprudence of national courts, practice of international negotiations ...). The author devotes an important place to the pra…

Treaties and Custom (Volume 129)

(29,060 words)

Author(s): R. Baxter, R.
R. Baxter, R. Keywords: International customary law | Public international law | Law of treaties | Mots clefs: Droit coutumier international | Droit international public | Droit des traités | ABSTRACT The objective that R. Baxter assigns to his course is to describe how the treaties, whether bilateral or multilateral, serve as evidence of the state of customary international law. First, he examines multilateral treaties as declaratory of customary international law, multilateral treaties as constitutive of customary internati…