
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Achenbach, Reinhard" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Achenbach, Reinhard" )' returned 11 results. Modify search

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Wilderness Wanderings/Wilderness Traditions

(884 words)

Author(s): Achenbach, Reinhard
[German Version] According to Exod 13:17–22; 15:22–19:1, Israel’s wandering in the wilderness after the Exodus (see also Exodus tradition) from Egypt and the miracle at the Reed Sea (at ’Etām, Exod 13:20; near the Gulf of Suez ¶ or near Pi-hā-Ḫîrôt in front of Baal-zephon [Katīb al-Qals], Exod 14:1f.) took them first to Horeb (Sinai/Sinai traditions; Ǧabal Mūsā?), the Mountain of God ( har hā’ĕlohîm), then to the southern border of Canaan, where they made an abortive attempt to enter the land (Deut 1:9–46; Num 10:12–14:45; Settlement/Settlement traditions). Then, departin…

Levi and Levites

(913 words)

Author(s): Achenbach, Reinhard
[German Version] The etymology of Levi and Levites (Heb. לֵוִי/ lēwî, לְוִיִּם/ lewîyim) is unclear – possibly from לוה/ lwh I, “person pledged for a debt,” or II, hypocoristically “client” (of the god N.N.?); a popular etymology relating it to join appears in Gen 29:34 and Num 18:2. According to legend, Levi was the son of Jacob and Leah (Gen 29:34; 35:23). Jacob is said to have cursed him and Simeon on account of their religious zeal in destroying the city of Shechem (Gen 34:25–31); this story explains why the tribes descended from them were divided and scattered in Israel (Gen 49:5–7). Histor…


(2,313 words)

Author(s): Na'aman, Nadav | Achenbach, Reinhard
[English Version] I. StadtS. (hebr. שֹׁמְרוֹן/Šom erôn) war Hauptstadt des Königreichs Israel (: II.,1.) und vom Ende des 8.Jh. an bis in spätbyz. Zeit das Zentrum der im Bergland von S. errichteten Provinz (s.u. II.). Nach einer in 1Kön eingegangenen Volksetym. stammt die Bez. S. daher, daß Omri den »Berg S.« von einem Mann namens Shemer erwarb und dort eine Stadt baute, die er nach dem urspr. Besitzer des Hügels nannte (16,24). Die Bez. leitet sich von der Wurzel שׁמר/šmr, »beobachten, bewachen«, ab. הַר/har Šom erôn bedeutet »Wächterberg«, was gut zu dem Ort paßt, der auf ei…


(2,776 words)

Author(s): Na’aman, Nadav | Achenbach, Reinhard
[German Version] I. City Samaria (Heb. ןוֹרמְשֹׁ/Šomerôn) was the capital of the kingdom of Israel (II, 1) and later the center of the province established in the hill country of Samaria (see II below) from the late 8th century bce until the late Byzantine period. 1 Kings relates that Omri purchased the “hill of Samaria” from a man named Shemer and built a city, which he called after the original owner (16:24). This, of course, is a folk etymology, the name Shomron is derived from the root שׁמר/ šmr (“to watch, guard”), הַר/ har Šomerôn (“watch-mountain”). Its name fits the place well, loc…


(2,877 words)

Author(s): Achenbach, Reinhard | Lehnardt, Andreas | Liss, Hanna | Ochs, Peter
[English Version] I. Altes TestamentDer Begriff T. (תּוֹרָה) wird meist von dem Verbum ירה/jrh, »zeigen«, Hifil, »unterweisen«, abgeleitet. In der israelit. Weisheit (Weisheitsliteratur: II.) bez. er die ethische und rel. Unterweisung durch Eltern (Spr 1,8; 4,1; 6,20; 31,26) oder Weisheitslehrer (Spr 13,14) sowie die sakrale Anweisung durch Priester (Jer 18,18). Als Bez. für das Gesetz (: II.; LXX: n̆ο´μος/nómos) steht er am Ende der sukzessiven Theologisierung des Gesetzes im Alten Israel im Gefolge der dtn. Kultuszentralisation (Josia/Josiareform) u…


(3,243 words)

Author(s): Achenbach, Reinhard | Lehnardt, Andreas | Liss, Hanna | Ochs, Peter
[German Version] I. Old Testament The noun tôrāh (הרָוֹתּ) is usually derived from the verb הרי/ yrh, “show,” hiphil “instruct.” In Israelite wisdom literature, it denotes ethical and religious instruction by parents (Prov 1:8; 4:1; 6:20; 31:26) or sages (Prov 13:14) as well as religious instruction by priests (Jer 18:18). As a term denoting the law (Law and legislation: II; LXX: νόμος/ nómos), it stands at the end of an ongoing theologization of the law in ancient Israel, following the Deuteronomic centralization of the cult (Josiah) and the establishment…

Zorn Gottes

(2,907 words)

Author(s): Jödicke, Ansgar | Achenbach, Reinhard | Herzer, Jens | Volkmann, Stefan | Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[English Version] I. ReligionswissenschaftlichWie andere Eigenschaften Gottes ist der Z.G. (vgl. Zorn) ein Anthropomorphismus, der sich in der Ikonographie (: I.; z.B. Thangkas [tʾan˙ Ka] in Tibet), aber v.a. in der Mythologie vieler Rel. findet und dort zu diversen Verwicklungen des Geschehens führt. In der griech. Mythologie z.B. schickt der von Prometheus hintergangene Zeus im Z. den Menschen die Büchse der Pandora und bringt so das Übel in die Welt.Je nach Situation kann der Z.G. Willkür oder Berechenbarkeit der Götter versinnbildlichen und sich für den Men…

Wrath of God

(3,658 words)

Author(s): Jödicke, Ansgar | Achenbach, Reinhard | Herzer, Jens | Volkmann, Stefan | Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] I. Religious Studies As with other divine attributes, the wrath of God (cf. Wrath/Anger) is an anthropomorphism that is encountered in iconography (I; e.g. of Thangkas [ tʾaṅ Ka] in Tibet), but especially in the mythology of many religions, where it leads to various entanglements within the plot. In Greek mythology, for instance, the enraged god Zeus sends Pandora’s box to humanity after having being deceived by Prometheus, thereby bringing evil into the world. Depending on the situation, the wrath of God can illustrate the capriciousness or predictabil…


(7,228 words)

Author(s): Felber, Anneliese | Hutter, Manfred | Achenbach, Reinhard | Aune, David E. | Lang, Bernhard | Et al.
[English Version] I. Namen und Begriffe 1.TeufelProfangriech. δια´βολος/diábolos, von διαβα´λλω/diabállō, »auseinanderbringen«, daher Bedeutungen wie »anklagen, verleumden, täuschen«, lat. diabolus, daraus dt. T. In der LXX wird hebr. שָׂטָן/śāṭān mit diábolos übers., was am besten mit »Widersacher« wiedergegeben wird. In den Apokryphen finden sich sowohl T. (3Bar 4,8; AssMos 10,1) wie Satan, weiters Beliar (zumeist TestXII), Mastema (Jub 10; 11), Samma'el (3Bar 4,8; bes. rabb. Schriften). Das NT kennt keinen inhaltlich…


(8,622 words)

Author(s): Felber, Annelies | Hutter, Manfred | Achenbach, Reinhard | Aune, David E. | Lang, Bernhard | Et al.
[German Version] I. Names and Terms – II. Religious Studies – III. Ancient Near East and Old Testament – IV. New Testament – V. Church History – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. Fundamental Theology – VIII. Dogmatics – IX. Judaism – X. Islam – XI. History of Art and Literature I. Names and Terms 1. Devil The secular Greek noun διάβολος/ diabolos comes from one of the meanings of the verb διαβάλλω/ diaballō, “separate, sever,” which led to meanings such as “accuse, slander, deceive.” From the Greek noun came Latin diabolus, from which the English …