
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Kanz, Roland" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Kanz, Roland" )' returned 72 results. Modify search

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(785 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. BegriffEine auch nur annähernde Erklärung des Begriffes G. differenziert sich allein schon durch seine Etymologie: Den Wortstamm bildet ital. grotta/grotte, wovon sich gegen Ende des 15. Jh.s grottesche (1495 erstmals nachweisbar) ableitete (zur Bedeutungsentwicklung s. u. 2.). Als Lehnwort erfolgte im 16. Jh. die Übertragung in alle wichtigen europ. Sprachen (franz. crotesque, grotesque; engl. grotesque; span. grutesco; niederl. Grottisen; dt. Krotteschisch) [4]; [5]. Generell lässt sich in allen Sprachen eine bis heute andauernde definitorische Unsc…
Date: 2019-11-19


(744 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Rhetorische BegriffstraditionDer Begriff D. (griech. prépon; lat. aptum, decorum, convenientia; ital. decoro, convenienza, convenevolezza; franz. bienséance, convenance) entstammt der Rhetorik und bezeichnet das Schickliche und Angemessene einer Rede und im Verhalten. Die Anwendungsbereiche erstrecken sich auf die Sprache und ihre Stiltheorie, in ethisch-moralischer Hinsicht auf das Verhalten im öffentlichen und privaten Leben nach Geschlecht, Alter und Stand sowie in ästhetischer Hinsicht auf Architektur und bildende Kunst. Die Leh…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,674 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
A. Der Charakterbegriff in Hinsicht auf die KunstDas griechische Verb charéssein, abgeleitet vom Substantiv charaktḗr, bedeutet ›einritzen‹, ›eingravieren‹, vor allem in Bezug auf Zeichen, Zahlen oder auch bildhafte Zeichen. Betont wird das Eingeprägt-Sein, und so hat auch charaktḗr den Wert einer Prägung als Formgebung [12111]. Der Begriff des Charakters kondensiert das Individuelle in seiner Differenz zum Allgemeinen. In der Frühen Neuzeit wurde »Charakter« zu einem Begriff der Erfassung sozialen und moralischen Verhaltens im hierarchischen Gesellschaftsgefüge. In a…
Date: 2020-07-23


(1,120 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Concept Illusionism relies on an intentional effect of deceiving the senses in a work of art. The illusion is usually based on tricking the sense of vision by means of precise naturalistic imitation and perspective techniques. The aim is to elicit momentary confusion between art and reality in the viewer. The illusion is not intended to be lasting, but to elicit an ensuing revelation that the seen effect is a work of art [5]; [6]. Artists also use illusionism to demonstrate that they are capable of surpassing nature by conjuring an appearance of reality.An ancient artist anecdote on …
Date: 2019-10-14


(1,403 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. ConceptIn Italian art, disegno (“design”; French  dessin) from the early Renaissance already meant more than just “drawing”. Artistic expertise in practice and theory combined in the concept of disegno to found a concept of artistic creativity. Disegno refers on the one hand to the drawing, from the first strokes of the pen in the draft stage to the pictorial final drawing - in other words, the process of demonstrating one's ability and invention by preparing a piece of work. On the other hand the term also denotes the imagi…
Date: 2019-10-14


(861 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Ancient conceptIn sculpture and painting, contrapposto denotes an attitude motif of the human figure consisting of a particular ponderation. Ponderation is the distribution and attitude of the limbs and the body weight either stationary or in motion. It may be static and balanced about a vertical core of the attitude depicted (e.g. standing straight), or it may be displaced radically away from the center of gravity (e.g. in dynamic motion that displaces the upper body). Contrapposto is thus a motif of attitude in the standing figure, connoting as it were motion in stillness.In …
Date: 2019-10-14

Multiple views

(1,053 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. ConceptMultiple views (French  multiplicité des points de vue, Italian  molte vedute, German  Vielansichtigkeit) is a category of evaluation in the field of sculpture. As a criterion of aspect (Latin aspectus, “view”), the analysis of multiple views serves to establish principles of composition in freestanding statues and sculptures against walls (e.g. niche statues, reliefs, tombs) by distinguishing between frontal view and multiple views in the main and side aspects. In art theory, multiple views were considered under …
Date: 2020-04-06


(1,069 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Definition and terminological historyWith free sculpture or “sculpture in the round,” the relief is one of the two main genres of sculpture (Sculpture [subtractive]). Reliefs are bodies or formal structures in a composition (e.g. figures, landscapes, ornaments) – in any of the materials used in subtractive or additive sculpture (Sculpture [modeling]) – that project out of a flat, concave, or round surface. In subtractive sculpture (e.g. in stone or wood), it is the material that determines the he…
Date: 2021-03-15


(1,932 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Concept and periodizationThe epoch term “Rococo” (French rococo; German  Rokoko), as customarily used in art history, covers the period between around 1715/1730 and 1770/1780, dominated by a European cultural and stylistic phenomenon that spread from France and manifested itself mostly in art, crafts, and architecture, though to some extent also in literature (Galant literature; Anacreontics; Pastoral poetry; Idyll). It is much more difficult, however, to apply the term or define the phenomenon in the…
Date: 2021-08-02


(872 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. The word Even an approximate definition of the term grotesque is already distinguished by its etymology: the root word is Italian grotta/ grotte, from which the word grottesche was derived toward the end of the 15th century (first appearance 1495; on the word’s semantic development, see 2. below). In the 16th century, it entered all the major European languages as a loanword (French crotesque and grotesque, Eng. grotesque, Span. grutesco, Dutch Gottisen, Ger. Groteske and Krotteschisch) [4]; [5]. In all languages, generally speaking, the word’s definition is to this da…
Date: 2019-10-14

Sculpture (modeling)

(1,105 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. ConceptThe plastic (from the Greek  plassein/ plattein, “to form,” and  plastikos, “malleable”; Latin  plasticus) art of sculpture by modeling (Sculpture, techniques of) involves making works from malleable (clay, wax, papier maché, stucco, plaster of Paris) or castable materials (metals and other malleable materials that can be made by processes of casting and pouring, e.g. concrete or porcelain). Sculpture by modeling, which builds up material, contrasts with subtractive sculpture, which removes it (e.g.…
Date: 2021-08-02


(2,593 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Concept and roleThe term “portrait” (French  portrait; German Porträt; Italian  ritratto; Spanish  retrato) is derived from the Latin protrahere (to draw forth; to produce). German also still uses the synonymous Bildnis, but Konterfei has become archaic (from the Latin  contra facere, “set in opposition/contrast,” and French  contrefaire, “imitate”; see Contrafaction). The  Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt (c. 1230) already contains the terms  portrait and contrefais al vif, but Villard uses them to assert fidelity to nature [7. 59–61].During the early moder…
Date: 2021-03-15

Concluding chapter 9: Literature, art, and music, B. Art

(1,897 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Thematic foci and key articlesIt was only in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that the collective singular “art” coalesced into an umbrella term for all artistic creations that appeared in the field of “art history” in the emergent scientific and scholarly system. Such a complex, refined concept of art did not exist in the early modern period. Classical terms like the Greek  téchne and the Latin  ars were understood in a more general sense as artistic ability or technical skill, that is, the capacity to make things in dealings with working techniques …
Date: 2023-11-14


(972 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Concept The term iconography derives from the Greek ei kṓn (“image”) and  gráphein (“to write”, “to describe”) and denotes the study of the content of images. However, this sense was acquired in the discipline of art history only in the 19th century. In general, iconography is concerned with all objects, forms, and designs in representations insofar as they comprise a system of signs that can express social, historical, religious, or aesthetic conditions or ideas. Insofar as iconography helps to explain w…
Date: 2019-10-14


(819 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
The Latin term idea has perevaded the history of philosophical thought since Plato [2]; [4] (see Idealism). In early modern aesthetics (Art theory), the concept of the idea in the sense of self-reflection on artistic creativity was discussed to secure the intellectual status of the fine arts – and thus of the artist as well. In this context,  idea (German  Idee, French  idée) referred to all genres of art; in the creative process that led to a work of art, it denoted the idea of the beautiful formed in the mind, which manifests itself as an inspira…
Date: 2019-10-14

Non finito

(1,015 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. ConceptThe aesthetic criteria of the unfinished derive from Italian Renaissance art theory. The key conceptual pair is the Italian perfezione/imperfezione, which was only revised into  finito/ non-finito (“finished”/“unfinished”) in modern usage [4]. The concept of the unfinished always corresponds with that of completion or perfection, aesthetically reflected in the relationship between art and nature. The degree of unfinishedness is measured according to the definition of the complete. During the 16th century, the semant…
Date: 2020-04-06


(1,127 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Materials and techniquesStucco (Italian  stucco, French  stuc, German  Stuck) is a malleable design material that offers almost unlimited applications, often associated with architecture on building exteriors and interiors, but also frequently with free-standing molded additive sculptures of objects or figures (Sculpture, techniques of 3.3.; Sculpture [modeling]) and in ornaments for room decoration (stucco ceilings; see Ceiling painting). Stucco was already widely used in classical antiquity (Latin  tectorium, albarium opus), according to Vitruvius ( De architec…
Date: 2022-08-17

Art theory

(8,821 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Introduction The history of early modern art theory from the 15th to the mid-19th century offers no semblance of a linear tradition in the discipline. Primary and secondary currents are encountered. It has long been recognized that the general history of early modern art, with its heterogeneity of genre and divergent development across Europe, is no longer reducible to a teleological history of style, but there are clearer international traditions of thought in the field of art theory. Art theo…
Date: 2019-10-14


(961 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
The caricature is an art form of amusement and pictorial wit. The word caricatura (from Italian caricare, ‘to exaggerate,’ ‘to overload’) originally referred to an exaggerated imitation of nature in the portrait. In caricature, the artist demonstrates quickness of design, graphic skill, and pictorial wit. As a situational work of art, a caricature is primarily a domain of drawing. Until the 18th century, caricatures circulated in private or semi-public circles, and were not used in graphic reproduction. Early …
Date: 2019-10-14

Nazarene movement

(943 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. ConceptThe artists known as Nazarenes acquired their name in early 19th-century Rome in reference to their appearance  alla nazarena, which was associated with Jesus of Nazareth, especially because of their long hair parted in the middle. Johann Friedrich Overbeck – in this respect the model for the Nazarene circle – adopted this hairstyle from the winter of 1812/13 at the latest. The nickname was not derisive, but derived from a usage dating back to the 17th century denoting a superficial resemblance to depic…
Date: 2020-04-06


(894 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Terminological historyA general understanding of naturalism as the representation of nature in art was closely associated in the early modern period with theories of the imitation of nature (Latin  imitatio naturae; cf. Mimesis). Yet the fact that nature was studied is not evidence in itself of naturalism (cf. Nature study [art]). Study in nature (as opposed to working in the studio) was a possible positive connotation of naturalism, but the term could equally be negative in tone, indicating a breach of the norms of imitatio, which aimed at a representation of nature that wa…
Date: 2020-04-06

Exhibition, art

(1,429 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Introduction An art exhibition is a presentation of art objects in a context, the location and duration of which may vary. It is subject to organizational conditions, a particular purpose or occasion. Unlike an art collection or museum, presentation is temporary, and the works in an art exhibition are not associated with the location [6]. Boundaries between the art exhibition and the museum of art were fluid in the early modern period [4], but limited duration was the characteristic of the exhibition. Older and contemporary works of art might be exhibited toge…
Date: 2019-10-14

Figura serpentinata

(813 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
Figura serpentinata describes an ideal artistic figure: a stylized rotated body compared to a coiled snake, either at rest or in motion, ideally conceived as viewable from multiple perspectives [4]. Throughout the early modern era, theory of art (Art theory) treated this ideal figure, with its crucially close ties with mannerism, as one of the central ways to conceive of poise and motion. It was originally formulated by the art theorist Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo (1584) [2. 22–24], who compared the figura serpentinata to a flame and ascribed its invention to Michelange…
Date: 2019-10-14


(790 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland
1. Rhetorical terminological traditionThe term decorum (Greek  prépon; Latin  aptum, decorum, convenientia; Italian  decoro, convenienza, convenevolezza; French  bienséance, convenance) originates in rhetoric, and denotes that which is seemly and appropriate for speech and conduct. Its range of application encompasses language and its stylistic theory, ethical and moral considerations of conduct in public and private life according to gender, age, and class, and aesthetic aspects of architecture and the fine art…
Date: 2019-10-14


(2,179 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Sieglerschmidt, Jörn
1. Etymologie und DefinitionPh. (auch Physiognomie, mittelengl. fisnomy) leitet sich von griech. physiognōmonikḗ téchnē her und meint die Kunst, das Wesen eines Körpers aus äußeren Zeichen zu erkennen (wörtlich »Erkenntnis nach der Natur«). Während die Ph. eher den engeren Bereich der körperlichen Zeichen behandelt, ist Physiognomie als in SpätMA und Nz. entwickelte, umfassende Lehre vom Zusammenhang aller natürlichen Dinge aufzufassen. Allerdings ist der Wortgebrauch bis heute nicht einheitlich.Die Ph. beschäftigt sich mit den lebenszeitlich eher wenig verände…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,772 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland
1. BegriffAus jenem der fünf Sinne, der dem Mund zugehört, wurde G. (lat. gustus bzw. sapor, ital. und span. gusto, franz. goût, engl. taste) spätestens im 17. Jh. zu einem universalen Begriff für die Begabung, das Schöne wahrzunehmen, zu schätzen, zu beurteilen und ggf. zu (re)produzieren. In diesem Sinne stand er zugleich für die Fähigkeit, in jeder Lebenslage das jeweils Angemessene (lat. aptum; Decorum) und Würdige zu tun bzw. zu verkörpern.Gerrit Walther2. Träger, Funktionen, OrteDie Begriffe und Leitideale des G. speisten sich aus der klassischen Rhetorik, die …
Date: 2019-11-19


(3,357 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Ruhl, Carsten
1. BegriffUnter K. wird die europ. Kunst-Epoche von etwa 1760 bis etwa 1830 verstanden, wobei international Phasenverschiebungen wahrzunehmen sind. In Frankreich, Italien und England wird diese Zeit als Neo-K. bezeichnet, da ihr nationale Konstrukte von Klassik und K. vorausgingen. Der Begriff K. wurde erst im 19. Jh. für die Vergleichbarkeit einer Literaturepoche zur Antike verwendet (ital. classicismo, 1818; dt. K., 1820; franz. classicisme, 1823; engl. classicism, 1831) [5. 979]. K. als Epochenbegriff etablierte sich schließlich rückblickend zur Unterscheidu…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,596 words)

Author(s): Fischer, Carolin | Kanz, Roland
1. Erotische LiteraturBei der Definition dessen, was als lit. Eroticum gewertet wurde oder werden kann, erweist sich das Thema Liebe als wenig hilfreich, da es eines der verbreitetsten in der Literatur aller Epochen ist. Ebenfalls wenig effizient sind die gängigen Termini erotische, pornographische oder obszöne Literatur, denn sie unterscheiden sich weniger durch die von ihnen festgelegten inhaltlichen oder stilistischen Kriterien als durch die jeweils vorgenommene Wertung. Sinnvoll ist deshalb der Rekurs auf die Eigenschaft, die diese Te…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,557 words)

Author(s): Bremer, Kai | Kanz, Roland
1. LiteraturC. (ital.; von lat. conceptus, »Zusammenfassung«/»Gedanke«) ist ein in zahlreiche westeurop. Kultursprachen übernommener Begriff (span. concepto/ conceto, engl. conceit), der von Ernst Robert Curtius mit »scharfsinnige« oder »spitzfindige« Ausdrucksweise und »Sinnspiel« [2. 298, 301], von Hugo Friedrich als »eine möglichst abnorme Pointe, ein frappierendes Sinn- oder Gedankenspiel, vielsagend, stechend, ausgefallen« [3. 636 f.] umschrieben wird, jedoch neutraler als »Begriff«, »Entwurf« oder »Gedanke« übersetzt werden kann. Deswegen k…
Date: 2019-11-19


(2,662 words)

Author(s): Zelle, Carsten | Kanz, Roland
1. Definition und EntwicklungM. (»Nachahmung«, »Darstellung«) ist ein zentraler, jedoch vielschichtiger Begriff (nicht nur) der Literaturtheorie und Kunsttheorie, dessen Bedeutung in der Geschichte großen Schwankungen unterworfen war und bis heute strittig geblieben ist. Schon die griech. Antike kannte eine äußerst flexible Konnotationsvielfalt. M. geht auf mímos (»Mime«) zurück und bedeutete im 5. Jh. v. Chr., etwas so darzustellen, dass es anderem ähnlich wird; erst durch Platon erhielt M. einen ästhetischen, wenn auch signifikant zweideutigen Sinn [5. 120]: Philoso…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,737 words)

Author(s): Fischer, Carolin | Kanz, Roland
1. Erotic literatureIn seeking a definition of literary erotica, the theme of love is of little use, because it is one of the most commonplace in the literature of all epochs. Nor are the usual terms “erotic,” “pornographic,” or “obscene” literature any more helpful, for they make distinctions not so much on the basis of the thematic or stylistic criteria they pretend to assert as on the basis of value judgment. It would be more useful to focus on the property intended to distinguish these texts f…
Date: 2020-04-09


(3,021 words)

Author(s): Zelle, Carsten | Kanz, Roland
1. Definition and historyMimesis (“[imitative] representation”) is a crucial, but polyvalent concept in literary theory, art theory, and other fields, the meaning of which has changed much through the course of history and remains controversial to this day. An extremely fluid spectrum of connotations was already in place in Greek antiquity. Mimesis (Greek mímēsis) is derived from  mímos (“mime”), and in the fifth-century BCE it meant portraying something in such a way as to resemble something else. Plato first gave it an aesthetic, although distinctly double-edged meaning [5. 1…
Date: 2020-04-06


(2,375 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Sieglerschmidt, Jörn
1. Etymology and definitionThe word physiognomy (German Physiognomik, Middle English  fisnomy) is derived from Greek  physiognomonikḗ téchne; it means the art of perceiving the total nature of a person’s body from outward signs (literally “perception according to nature”). While physiognomics is more concerned with the narrower field of corporeal signs, physiognomy as it developed in the late Middle Ages and early modern period should be understood as a comprehensive theory of the correlation of all natural things. That said, there is no generally accepted usage even today.P…
Date: 2020-10-06

Classicism, Neoclassicism

(3,724 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Ruhl, Carsten
1. TerminologyThe connotations of the term classicism differ among the European nations. In Germany, Klassizismus refers to the epoch in European art from around 1760 to around 1830, an era known in France, Italy, and Britain as neoclassicism, because in those countries it was preceded by national constructs of the European classics and classicism. In literature, the term classicism was first used in the 19th century to denote the comparability of a literary period with Antiquity (Italin  classicismo, 1818; German Klassizismus, 1820; French classicisme, 1823; English classi…
Date: 2019-10-14


(1,674 words)

Author(s): Bremer, Kai | Kanz, Roland
1. LiteratureConcetto (Italian; from Latin  conceptus, “gathering,” “thought/purpose”) is a term that was adopted into many western European languages (Spanish  concepto/ conceto, English conceit). Ernst Robert Curtius defines it as an “acute”  (“scharfsinnig”) or “pedantic” (“spitzfindig”) expression and “semantic play” (“Sinnspiel”) [2. 298, 301], and Hugo Friedrich as “as abnormal a payoff as possible, a striking semantic or conceptual play, eloquent, telling, stinging, and recherché” (“eine möglichst abnorme Pointe, ein frappierend…
Date: 2019-10-14


(1,867 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland
1. DefinitionOf the five senses, the one associated with the mouth (taste; Latin  gustus or  sapor, Italian and Spanish  gusto, French  goût, German  Geschmack) became by the 17th century, at the latest, a universal term for the ability to perceive beauty, to prize it, to assess it, and in some cases to (re)produce it. In this sense, it also stood for the ability to do or embody what is appropriate (Latin  aptum; Decorum) and worthy in any situation.Gerrit Walther2. Tastemakers, functions, placesThe concepts and guiding ideals of taste were supplied by classical rhetoric, …
Date: 2022-11-07


(2,016 words)

Author(s): Lehmann-Brauns, Sicco | Kanz, Roland
1. Philosophie 1.1. Begriff und ÜberblickDer Begriff Eklektik (= Ek.; von griech. eklégein, »auswählen«) geht zurück auf Diogenes Laertius' (3. Jh. n. Chr.) Beschreibung des antiken Philosophen Potamon von Alexandria, der keiner der bekannten Philosophenschulen angehörte, sondern vielmehr aus allen dasjenige auswählte, was ihm selbst jeweils richtig erschien. Seit der Renaissance wurde die Bezeichnung Ek. dementsprechend zur Charakterisierung einer Methodik verwendet, die gemäß dem paulinischen Diktum »Prüft alles, das Gute behaltet!« (1. T…
Date: 2019-11-19


(2,272 words)

Author(s): Lehmann-Brauns, Sicco | Kanz, Roland
1. Philosophy 1.1. Concept and overviewThe term eclecticism (from Gk. eklégein, “select”) goes back to Diogenes Laertius's (3rd century CE) description of the ancient philosopher Potamon of Alexandria, who was not a member of any of the well-known schools of philosophers but rather in each case selected from them all that which seemed right to him.Since the Renaissance the term eclecticism has been used correspondingly in characterization of a method which, in accordance with Paul's dictum, “test everything; hold fast to what is good” (1 Thess. 5,21…
Date: 2019-10-14


(4,390 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Zymner, Rüdiger | Langenbruch, Anna
1. EinleitungUnter M. versteht man in Kunst, Literatur und Musik allgemein die Charakteristik eines ausgesprochen kunstvollen bzw. künstlichen Stils, und speziell in der Kunstgeschichte eine Epoche, die zeitlich zwischen Renaissance und Barock angesiedelt wird. Die Begriffsprägung erfolgte in der Kunstwissenschaft im späten 18. Jh. in Ableitung von »Manier« (s. u. 2.1.); sie umfasst hier zeitlich die Periode zwischen etwa 1520/30 und 1590/1600, eine Phase vermeintlicher Verfallserscheinungen in bildender Kunst und Archi…
Date: 2019-11-19


(2,697 words)

Author(s): Seidel, Robert | Schmidt, Dörte | Kanz, Roland
1. Literatur 1.1. DefinitionSeit dem ersten Auftreten des Begriffs in der Antike (griech. parōdίa, »Neben-/Gegengesang«; engl. parody; franz. parodie) ist die Bedeutung von P. in den europ. Literaturen uneinheitlich, und zwar sowohl im Hinblick auf das jeweilige Verhältnis zur Vorlage (affirmativ, spielerisch, kritisch) wie auch im Vergleich mit verwandten Schreibstrategien (Kontrafaktur, Travestie; burlesque, mock-epic; pastiche usw.). Nachdem bis in die Frühe Nz. die Begriffsverwendung vorwiegend im Zusammenhang eines nicht-polemischen Konzeptes von imitatio und ae…
Date: 2021-07-29

Katholische Reform

(4,745 words)

Author(s): Decot, Rolf | Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland
1. BegrifflichkeitDie Reaktion auf die Reformation seitens der kath. Kirche (in der Reformationszeit meist Alte Kirche genannt) setzte erst allmählich ein. Um sie zu charakterisieren, hat die Geschichtswissenschaft unterschiedliche Begriffe entwickelt. Es gibt gegenwärtig allerdings keinen Terminus, der sowohl die Reformbemühungen innerhalb der kath. Kirche während des 16. Jh.s als auch den Versuch, das verlorene politisch-gesellschaftliche Terrain zurückzugewinnen, umfassend kennzeichnet. Konkurrierende Begriffe sind K. R., Gegenreformation (= G.), kath. Konfe…
Date: 2019-11-19


(3,297 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland | Riedl, Peter Philipp
1. Geschichte 1.1. BegriffDas griech. Wort epoch椃 (»das Anhalten«) meinte in der antiken Alltagssprache das Innehalten in der Rede oder in einer Bewegung, in der Astronomie das Zusammentreffen zweier Himmelskörper und in philosophischen Zusammenhängen den Verzicht darauf, ein Urteil zu fällen (Skepsis). In der Nz. dominierten zunächst die beiden letzten Bedeutungen. Einen histor. Sinn nahm der Begriff erst allmählich an. Bis ins 18. Jh. bezeichnete er dabei nicht einen bestimmten Zeitabschnitt, sondern das Ereignis, das diesen eröffnete. Noch 1771 konnte J. Ch. Gatterer in…
Date: 2019-11-19


(4,770 words)

Author(s): Kanz, Roland | Zymner, Rüdiger | Langenbruch, Anna
1. IntroductionMannerism in art, literature, and music is generally defined as the characteristic of a self-consciously elaborate or artificial style, and in art history in particular as an epoch located between the Renaissance and the Baroque. The term was coined in art studies in the late 18th century as a derivative of  “manner” (see below, 2.1.). In this context, it refers to a period between around 1520/30 and 1590/1600, a phase supposedly displaying symptoms of decadence in art and architec…
Date: 2019-10-14


(3,730 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland | Riedl, Peter Philipp
1. History 0-1.1. ConceptThe Greek word epochḗ (“suspension, pause”) in everyday speech in Antiquity meant a lull in a speech or a movement, in astronomy the conjunction of two celestial bodies, and in philosophy the suspension of judgment (Skepticism). In the early modern period, the latter two senses were at first dominant. The term only gradually took on a historical sense. As it did so, even until the 18th century, it did not denote a particular span of time, but the event that heralded one. Even …
Date: 2019-10-14


(2,838 words)

Author(s): Seidel, Robert | Schmidt, Dörte | Kanz, Roland
1. Literature 1.1. DefinitionEver since the term first arose, in Greek antiquity (Greek:  parōdίa, “parallel/side song”; French  parodie; German  Parodie), its meaning in the various European literatures has diverged, both in regard to the particular relationship of the parody to the original (affirmative, playful, critical) and in comparison with related writing strategies (travesty; burlesque; mock-epic; pastiche;  Kontrafaktur [contrafaction], etc.). Until the early modern period, the word tended to be used in the context of a non-polemical concept of  imitatio and …
Date: 2020-10-06

Catholic Reformation

(5,118 words)

Author(s): Decot, Rolf | Walther, Gerrit | Kanz, Roland
1. Terminology The response of the Catholic Church (usually called the “Old Church” in the Reformation period) to the Reformation began gradually. Historians have coined various terms for it. Today there is still no term that covers both the efforts at reform within the Church during the 16th century and the attempt to win back the Church’s lost socio-political terrain. The competing terms include  Catholic Reformation,   Counter-Reformation, Catholic confessionalization, and recatholization.The reaction of the Old Church (and the states and territories that …
Date: 2019-10-14


(1,370 words)

Author(s): Langer, Daniela | Rode-Breymann, Susanne | Petri, Grischka | Kanz, Roland
1. Begriff und ProblematikAls P. wird ein Werk verstanden, das sich unter bewusster Verschweigung der Quelle ganz oder teilweise auf das Werk eines anderen zurückführen lässt, sodass es als ›Anmaßung geistiger Urheberschaft‹ [2. 1152] definiert werden kann. Damit ist das P. von der Kryptomnesie (der unbewussten Übernahme von Angelesenem) und den Formen der Parodie und Montage geschieden, bei denen die Aufdeckung der Quelle(n) intendiert und für die Rezeption entscheidend ist. Wird bei der künstlerischen Fälschung Eigenes unter fremdem Namen veröffentlicht, so gibt das…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,545 words)

Author(s): Langer, Daniela | Rode-Breymann, Susanne | Kanz, Roland | Petri, Grischka
1. Concept and problemA work is considered plagiarism if it derives wholly or in part from the work of another author while deliberately concealing its source, permitting the definition of a “pretence of intellectual originality” [2. 1152]. Plagiarism is thus distinct from cryptomnesia (the unintended reproduction of something the author has forgotten having read) and the forms of parody and montage, in which disclosure of the source(s) is intended and crucial to reception. Whereas artistic forgery entails passing off one’s own w…
Date: 2020-10-06


(8,596 words)

Author(s): Asch, Ronald G. | Steigerwald, Jörn | Spohr, Arne | Kollbach, Claudia | Kanz, Roland
1. FunktionDer monarchische bzw. fürstliche H. war in der Nz. in ganz Europa zugleich ein politisches Machtzentrum und ein Mittelpunkt des sozialen Lebens der adligen Oberschicht (Adel). Von der höfischen (= höf.) Kultur und ihrem Lebensideal des Hofmannes ging eine prägende Kraft aus (Cortegiano; s. u. 5.1.), die vornehmlich auf die Adelskultur ausstrahlte, aber auch auf die städtischen Eliten der Metropolen und zeitweilig, etwa in Frankreich im 17. und frühen 18. Jh., auch auf die Kultur der Provinzstädte. Sprache und Umgangsformen des H. wurden zum Vorbild.Im hohen MA war d…
Date: 2019-11-19


(13,283 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Tschopp, Silvia Serena | Steinle, Friedrich | Beutel, Albrecht | Kanz, Roland | Et al.
1. Begriff und DefinitionA. (im Deutschen 1691 erstmals belegt) und ihre europ. Parallelbegriffe enlightenment, lumières, illuminismo, ilustración bezeichnen die wirkungsmächtigste europ. Bildungsbewegung des 18. Jh.s und zugleich deren spezifisches Ziel: alle Autoritäten, Traditionen und Hierarchien am Maß einer neu definierten Vernunft kritisch zu prüfen und abzuschaffen, falls sie deren Gesetzen widersprechen sollten, die gesamte Lebenswelt nach diesen Gesetzen neu zu ordnen und möglichst viele Menschen fähig zu machen, kraft dieser Vernunft ein besseres, glüc…
Date: 2021-06-18

Court (monarchical)

(9,300 words)

Author(s): Asch, Ronald G. | Steigerwald, Jörn | Spohr, Arne | Kollbach, Claudia | Kanz, Roland
1. FunctionThe monarchical or princely court everywhere in Europe in the early modern period was at once a center of political power and a focus of social life for the noble elite (Nobility). Courtly culture and its vision of the ideal life as lived by the courtier exerted a defining influence (Cortegiano; see below, 5.1.) primarily on the culture of the nobility, but also on metropolitan urban elites, and sometimes, as in France in the 17th and early 18th centuries, on the culture of provincial towns. The language and conventions of behavior at court became exemplary.During the High M…
Date: 2019-10-14


(14,627 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Steinle, Friedrich | Beutel, Albrecht | Tschopp, Silvia Serena | Kanz, Roland | Et al.
1. Concept and definition Enlightenment in English is first attested from 1865 as a translation of the German  Aufklärung, which was first recorded in 1691. With their European cognates  lumières (French), illuminismo (Italian), and  ilustración (Spanish), they denote the most influential European educational and cultural movement of the 18th century, as well as its overriding goals: to subject all authorities, traditions, and hierarchies to the critical measure of a newly defined reason, and to abolish them if they ran counter…
Date: 2019-10-14
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