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(4,817 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies All religions share the conviction that human actions hold a significance that reaches far beyond a person’s current life situation. On the precise manner in which an equitable balance between personal behavior and current or future life is achieved, however, there is considerable divergence of views – depending on the historical and social context of the respective religion. From the perspective of religious studies, it is advisable to differentiate between the…
Religion Past and Present
(888 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Social Ethics – III. Sociology
I. Religious Studies The term “kinship” refers to the genealogical relationships (Genealogy) that an individual inherits from both his parents (Generational relationships), and also the behavioral rules and expectations that are inherent in these relationships. Kinship comes into existence when natural processes (esp. partnership and birth) are overlaid with ritual significance and associated with a culturally determined morality. Es…
Religion Past and Present
(943 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Bible
I. Religious Studies Genealogies are pedigrees (Tribe/Clan), ancestral tables (Ancestors, Cult of), etc., that represent a kind of constitution in societies (Society) with no state. In state societies, they usually legitimize the claims of the ruling ¶ and priestly dynasties. They originate in societies with private property in land or cattle that is passed on with the assistance of rules of inheritance based on known genealogical relationships. Depending on the type of genealogy, various…
Religion Past and Present
(1,134 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Dogmatics – III. Sociology and Social History
I. History of Religions Estates are socially and juridically closed groups that occupy a …
Religion Past and Present
Father Deities
(2,241 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. Old Testament
I. Religious Studies Deities defined by emphasis on their relationship to ancestors (“fathers,” see also Ancestors, Cult of) are historically and ethnographically attested in Near Eastern and East African cultures. Usually named in the form “God of X” or “God of my/your father” or “God of my/your fathers,” they can also be known by a specific proper name. The cult of such father deities occurs – independently of a specific…
Religion Past and Present
(8,918 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Church History – V. Philosophy of Religion – VI. Fundamental Theology – VII. Dogmatics – VIII. Education and Practical Theology – IX. Judaism – X. Islamic Theology
I. History of Religions Miracles are extraordinary, mystifying human experiences that cannot be explained by normal causes, which in many cases suggest the intervention of a deity or superhuman power. Miracles are found in all cultures and are among the traditions of almost all religi…
Religion Past and Present
(361 words)
[German Version] Individuals are regarded as mediums if they have extrasensory perceptions and as mediators can make contact with superhuman beings (spirit, ancestor, saint, god). Usually such a being is said to penetrate (intrusion) and take possession of the body of the medium. The spiritual being temporarily takes the place of the soul or the personality of the medium (depersonalization) and exerts a numinous power within the medium. The medium is in an altered state of consciousness, which can…
Religion Past and Present
Sickness and Healing
(3,297 words)
[German Version]
I. Medicine Sickness and healing are basic phenomena of human life and core concepts of any anthropology. Nevertheless defining them and the relationship between them still raises problems, not least because each is a collective term. There is debate within medicine over whether sickness and healing can be neutral categories, purely descriptive and empirical, with their meaning determined by the evolutionary function of the body and its organs. Other positions, mindful of historical…
Religion Past and Present
(4,477 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Retribution – recompense of good with good and evil with evil, in religion as reward (Payment) or punishment for human conduct, imposed in this life or the next by God or fate – is an aspect of reciprocity, the principle of
quid pro quo (Merit). Richard Thurnwald was the first to point out the significance of reciprocity for social action and worldview in ethnic societies. It goes beyond reciprocating with a gift or assistance, or exchanging daughters between exogamous groups; the moral, legal, and religi…
Religion Past and Present
Dead, Cult of the
(2,817 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. Classical Antiquity
I. Religious Studies Nearly all societies view death as a transition from one mode of existence to another. To enable the departed or his or her soul to complete this transformational process successfully, the survivors must perform certain rituals, referred to collectively as the cult of the …
Religion Past and Present
(996 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Silence is a universal form of religious communication. As early as the Stone Age, individuals sought out recesses deep in the interior of caves, to which they retreated in absolute silence, presumably in quest of visions, as the cave paintings they left suggest. In ethnic societies, certain religious specialists withdraw from time to time to the solitude of the forest, the mountains, or the desert, to come close to the deity they worship or their tutelary spirit through silence, prayer, and fas…
Religion Past and Present