Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Fürst, Ulrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Fürst, Ulrich" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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(3,769 words)
1. DefinitionThe term
monastery (German
Kloster, from Latin
claustrum, “enclosed place”) denotes both the institution and the architecture of monks (Monasticism) or nuns living in community (Convent) – such as religious individuals who have made a vow (profession) to a religious order and live in an enclosure (a complex of monastery spaces that outsiders may not enter). The group of the religious belonging to a monastery is also called a convent (German
Konvent); in English
convent usually denotes denotes a community of women or is used as a synonym for
friary, a community o…
(1,014 words)
1. ConceptAdopted in English from the French
façade coined by Philibert de l'Orme (1567), the term connotes the frontage of a building [1]. Both the word as used in English and its etymology (from Latin
facies, “face”; Italian
facciata, “front”) make clear that the concept includes more than merely the exterior of the building in a technical sense of construction. It connotes a specific design task in architecture (Architectural theory), and one which, although already addressed in the Middle Ages, for instance on cathedral tow…
Church architecture
(5,877 words)
1. Introduction Theological and pastoral concepts continued to define early modern Church architecture that had shaped Christian sacral architecture since its very earliest days. The church was a meeting-place for the congregation that had to fulfill a function as the real venue and crucible of the divine service (Worship). Spatial forms and fittings had to support liturgical procedures and make their content available to experience. Still, changing cultural parameters and profound religious and c…
Baroque Gothic
(970 words)
1. Term The Baroque Gothic is a phenomenon of 17th/18th-century European architecture, especially sacred architecture, that is also indicated by the ambiguous terms “Late Gothic” or “Neo-Gothic”. Essentially it comprises the quantitative and qualitative high-point of a more general tendency that is perhaps most accurately described as “Gothic in Vitruvianism,” i.e. the intentional use of building type, basic elements, and modes of design of Gothic architecture in the Renaissance and Baroque, often…