Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Frey, Christofer" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Frey, Christofer" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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(390 words)
“Quietism” is the term used for a mystically oriented, transdenominational movement in the 17th and 18th centuries (Mysticism 2). Two of its main features find expression in 18th-century Protestant poetry (Devotional Literature), namely, silence and simplicity, as in G. Tersteegen’s “Gott ist gegenwärtig … alles in uns schweige” (God is present, [let] everything in us be silent) and M. Claudius’s “Laß uns einfältig werden” (Let us become simple). From the standpoint of social history quietism ma…
(675 words)
Probabilism is the casuistic view that, in disputed moral issues, any course may be followed that is “solidly” probable. It is an attempt to answer a question of normative ethics, namely, should a moral norm that is of dubious validity to reason be binding on those to whom it is given? Roman Catholic moral theology debated this question in the early modern period. The context of the battle of contending schools as to the right answer was penitential casuistry, as well as spiritual direction. At issue was the individual moral conviction that takes a norm seriously in a given situation. Moral th…