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(4,377 words)
[German Version]
I. General The word
slavery denotes a social structure (including its normative legal and ethical standards) in which certain individuals are considered and treated as objects. A slave owner has the right to decide what the slaves do, as well as where and how they live; the owner also has an absolute right of disposition over their bodies and lives and the right to sell them like any other property. The far-reaching implications of this definition distinguish slavery from other forms of unfreedom such as debt servitude, serfdom, and bondage. Slavery was widespread in a…
Religion Past and Present
Manumissio in ecclesia
(1,083 words)
Among Constantine’s broad legal and institutional reforms,
manumissio in ecclesia (“manumission in the church”) named a new public act to release a person legally from slavery and into full Roman citizenship. The enfranchisement took the form of solemn rites performed by the owner in a church before the witnesses of its congregation and presided over by clergy (priests, the bishop; Priest/Presbyter; Bishop [Episcopos]), empowered like civil magistrates to become the legal guarantors.Antecedents
Manumissio in ecclesia had several classical models. Religious temples, o…
(4,188 words)
[English Version]
I. AllgemeinUnter S. wird eine soziale Struktur (einschließlich deren rechtlichen und ethischen Normvorgaben) verstanden, in deren Rahmen (bestimmte) Menschen als Sachen verstanden und behandelt werden. Das beinhaltet außer dem Bestimmungsrecht über Tätigkeit, Aufenthalt, persönliche Verhältnisse etc. des Sklaven insbes. auch die absolute Verfügungsgewalt des Eigentümers über Leib und Leben des Sklaven sowie das Recht, diesen wie eine Sache zu veräußern. Diese implikationsreiche …