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(25,125 words)
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Systematic Theology – V. Practical Theology – VI. Judaism – VII. Islam
I. Terminology
1. Religious Studies
a. As an
emic linguistic term, “faith” is found not only in the context of the Christian West (cf.
fides, foi, Glaube, etc.), but also in other religious traditions. The Sanskrit term
śraddhā (cf. Pāli
saddhā; Avestan
zrazdā-) seems to represent an Indo-European etymological pendant to Lat.
credo, as demonstrated by the possible reconstruction of Indo-Germanic *
k'red-dhē-, “set one's heart o…
Religion Past and Present
(13,059 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies
1. Concept. The word
revelation echoes the Greek ἀποκάλυψις/
apokálypsis (“uncovering”), which was translated into Latin as
revelatio and then borrowed into most European languages. The literal meaning already indicates that revelation involves a reality, content, more specifically a message hidden from mortals. Revelation is important: it is relevant religious knowledge necessary for salvation, for finding meaning, and for dealing with everyday life. It is knowledge that peo-¶ ple do not already possess by nature, and their reli…
Religion Past and Present
(9,782 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. New Testament – III. Early Judaism – IV. Church History – V. Philosophy – VI. Philosophy of Religion – VII. Dogmatics – VIII. Ethics – IX. Sociology, Politics, and Law
I. Old Testament
1. The concept of political freedom, which originated in the Greek polis (City cult), first appeared in Hellenistic Jewish historiography. The Stoics' concept of freedom, which contrasts inner freedom and outward constraint, has no counterpart in the OT. The OT is rooted in an internal mythological cultur…
Religion Past and Present
(4,048 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies / History of Religions – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Dogmatics – V. Ethics
I. Religious Studies / History of Religions Various versions of the Greek Prometheus myth characterize hope (
elpís) as one of the requirements for human existence (Hesiod
Opera et dies V 96; Aesch.
Prometheus V 250). In Roman religion, hope (
spes) is one of the concepts personified and venerated as divine powers (Cic.
De legibus II 28). It seems reasonable to assume that religious hope differs from nonreligious hope in extending its time…
Religion Past and Present
(23,549 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Philosophy of Religion – V. Dogmatics – VI. Practical Theology – VII. Missiology – VIII. Art – IX. Judaism – X. Islam
I. Religious Studies
1. It is fundamentally true that God is not an object of religious studies, since God – as theology teaches – cannot be made an object of empirical scientific study. Religious studies can only address the concepts that human beings have expressed concerning their God (or gods: God, Representations and sym…
Religion Past and Present