
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Mädler, Inken" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Mädler, Inken" )' returned 9 results. Modify search

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(1,087 words)

Author(s): Mädler, Inken | Auerochs, Bernd
[German Version] I. Art In 1886 the writer Jean Moréas published a Symbolist manifesto, the stated aim of which was not to express artistic ideas directly but to represent them by defamiliarization. This manifesto also profoundly influenced the visual arts at the turn of the 20th century, allowing painting and graphics…


(1,077 words)

Author(s): Rebiger, Bill | Mädler, Inken | Reymaier, Erich Konstantin
[German Version] I. History of Religions Numerology (or number symbolism) is a central feature of all religions and cultures. The orderly structure of arithmetic serves as a model for observed or postulated relationships in space and time. The relationality or even harmony of numerology evokes meaning and order. The symbolism of n…

Symbols/Symbol Theory

(9,049 words)

Author(s): Berner, Ulrich | Cancik-Lindemaier, Hildegard | Recki, Birgit | Schlenke, Dorothee | Biehl, Peter | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies Use of the Greek word σύμβολον/ sýmbolon in a sense relevant to religious studies is attested quite early in the history of European religions; Dio of Prusa (1st/2nd cent. ce), for example, used it in his speech on Phidias’s statue of Zeus in Olympia ( Oratio 12.59). In this context, the Greek term reflects the problem posed by i…

Friedrich, Caspar David

(304 words)

Author(s): Mädler, Inken
[German Version] (Sep 5, 1774, Greifswald – May 7, 1840, Dresden) is considered the most prominent painter of German Romanticism. After his education in Copenhagen, Friedrich settled in Dresden in 1798, where P.O. Runge introduced him to Johann Ludwig Tieck in 1802 and where he came into contact with early Romantic ideas. This made a deep impression on him, as did his contact with F.D.E. Schleiermacher, which came about through the mediation of Georg Andreas Reimer and the pastors in Rügen. Schlei…


(1,076 words)

Author(s): Recki, Birgit | Mädler, Inken
[German Version] I. Philosophy The expression the sublime (Ger. das Erhabene) refers to our experience of objects that by virtue of their greatness (physical or metaphysical), power, or perfection make us conscious of our own exaltation, often with an accompanying awareness of the limits of our own capacity. In the debate with poetic enthusiasm (I) in antiquity, the sublime was discussed using the term …


(2,992 words)

Author(s): Löser, Philipp | Figal, Günter | Mühling, Markus | Mädler, Inken
[German Version] I. Literary Criticism – II. Philosophy – III. Philosophy of Religion – IV. Fundamental Theology – V. History of Art I. Literary Criticism Metaphor (Gk μεταφορά/ metaphorá, “transfer,” from μεταφέρω/ metaphérō, “to transfer”) is a figure of speech in which, by means of a linguistic image, that is, in a figurative sense, reference is made to an object. The …


(7,938 words)

Author(s): Berner, Ulrich | Cancik-Lindemaier, Hildegard | Recki, Birgit | Schlenke, Dorothee | Biehl, Peter | Et al.
[English Version] I. Religionswissenschaftlich Eine religionswiss. relevante Verwendung des griech. Wortes συ´μβολοn̆/sýmbolon findet sich schon früh in der eur. Religionsgesch., z.B. bei Dion von Prusa (1./2.Jh. n.Chr.) in seiner Rede über die Zeus-Statue des Pheidias in Olympia (Oratio 12,59). Der griech. Symbolbegriff verweist in diesem Zusammenhang auf die Problematik der Götterbilder, die darin besteht, daß das, was eigentlich der menschlichen Anschauung entzogen ist, dem Menschen anschaulich vergegenwärtigt werden soll. In der Religionswiss., v.a. in der R…


(1,049 words)

Author(s): Mädler, Inken | Auerochs, Bernd
[English Version] I. Kunsthistorisch Das im »Symbolistischen Manifest« 1886 von Jean Moréas genannte Ziel, künstlerische Ideen nicht direkt auszudrücken, sondern verfremdend zu versinnbildlichen, hat auch die bildende Kunst an der Wende zum 20.Jh. stark beeinflußt und in Malerei und Graphik dazu geführt, bedeutsame Inhalte aus der Welt des Traums, des Unbewußten und des Imaginären Gestalt gewinnen zu lassen. In Abgrenzung zum


(1,014 words)

Author(s): Rebiger, Bill | Mädler, Inken | Reymaier, Erich Konstantin
[English Version] I. Religionsgeschichtlich Z. ist zentral in allen Rel. und Kulturen. Die arithmetische Ordnung dient als Modell für erfahrene oder postulierte Relationen in Raum und Zeit. Die Relationalität oder gar Harmonie der Z. evoziert Sinn und Ordnung. Durch Z. wird die Komplexität der Wirklichkeit reduziert und Sinn konstruiert (N. Luhmann). Gegen die Erfahrung von Chaos und Zufall verspricht Z. Erk…