Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Mosig, Jörg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Mosig, Jörg" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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(147 words)
[English Version] Rose,
Hugh James (9.6.1795 Little Horsted, Sussex – 22.12.1838 Florenz), führender anglik. Theologe der hochkirchl. Erneuerung im frühen 19.Jh. Als Universitätsprediger in Cambridge, erster Prof. of Divinity in Durham (1833), Domestic Chaplain des Erzbischofs von Canterbury (1834), und Principal des King's College London (1836) hatte R. eine breite persönliche und lit. Wirksamkeit ausgeübt. Die Veröff. seiner polemischen Predigtreihe »The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany…
Rose, Hugh James
(172 words)
[German Version] (Jun 9, 1795, Little Horsted, Sussex – Dec 22, 1838, Florence), a prominent Anglican theologian of the High Church revival in the early 19th century. As select preacher at the University of Cambridge, first professor of divinity at Durham (1833), domestic chaplain of the archbishop of Canterbury (1834), and principal of King’s College London (1836), Rose exercised broad influence both personally and in ¶ his writings. The publication in 1825 of
The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany, a collection of his polemical sermons, ignited an intense Anglo-G…
Religion Past and Present
Headlam, Stewart Duckworth
(158 words)
[German Version] (Jan 12, 1847, Wavertree, England – Nov 18, 1924, St. Margaret's-on-Thames), Anglican priest. During his studies at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1869), Headlam was inspired by F.D. Maurice. His liberal theological views and many controversial campaigns, for example, his defense of the theater and dancing as well as his public support of O. Wilde, shocked the Victorian ecclesiastical establishment, which forced him to resign from all his church posts. A sensational speech in Tr…
Religion Past and Present
Gore, Charles
(308 words)
[German Version] (Jan 22, 1853, Wimbledon – Jan 17, 1932, London). The Anglican theologian Charles Gore studied at Balliol College, Oxford (B.A. 1872) and was made a fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, in 1875. He was ordained in 1878. In 1880 he became vice-principal of Cuddesdon College near Oxford and in 1884 first principal of Pusey House, Oxford. He became a canon of Westminster Abbey in 1894, bishop of Worcester in 1902, bishop of Birmingham in 1905, and bishop of Oxford in 1922. He edited
Lux Mundi (1889), a collection of essays that began a new era in Anglican thought. In …
Religion Past and Present
(249 words)
[German Version] is an Anglican diocese in central England, reestablished in 1918 in response to a massive increase in population. Coventry already had the status of an episcopal city in the Middle Ages in the dual diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, but was placed under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Worcester in 1836 after its cathedral had already been abandoned to decay during the Reformation and precedence in designation had been given to Lichfield during the …
Religion Past and Present
Froude, Richard Hurrell
(187 words)
[German Version] (Mar 25, 1803, Dartington, England – Feb 28, 1836, Dartington), an Anglican clergyman, was a student of J. Keble at Oriel College, Oxford (B.A. in 1824), where he was elected Fellow in 1826 and Tutor in 1827; he was ordained in 1829. Though impaired by poor health from an early age, Froude exerted considerable influence on the formation and objectives of the Oxford Movement, primarily through his friendship with J.H. Newman. In July 1833, he took part in the Hadleigh Conference initiated by H.J. Rose, which paved the way for the publication of
Tracts for the Times. Froude hi…
Religion Past and Present
High Church Movement
(2,141 words)
[German Version] I. Great Britain – II. Germany
I. Great Britain The theological definition of the Anglican concept of the church (Anglican Church) faces the difficulty that several divergent ecclesiological traditions have coexisted in the Church of England from the outset. “High Church” traditionally denotes the faction that emphasizes the unbroken catholicity of the post-Reformation Church of England and assumes a “high” standpoint especially on questions of the authority of the church, the sacraments…
Religion Past and Present
(561 words)
[German Version] I. Catholicism – II. Orthodox Church – III. Protestantism– IV. Anglican Church
I. Catholicism In the Roman Catholic Church, archbishop is the title of the metropolitan (c. 435) or of the bishop of an archbishopric that belongs to no church province (e.g. Luxembourg, Vaduz); a titular archbishop is a bishop consecrated or designated to the title of a defunct archbishopric (e.g. high officials in the Roman Curia and in the papal diplomatic corps); occasionally the title is bestowed on a meritorious bishop as a mere honorific. Karl-Theodor Geringer Bibliography W. Aymans…
Religion Past and Present