Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Thierfelder, Jörg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Thierfelder, Jörg" )' returned 9 results. Modify search
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(398 words)
[German Version] A Christian retreat is a period of free time (Youth camps and houseparties) for meditation and theological reflection. Retreats can be short, designed to deepen spirituality through silence and prayer. In Protestant churches, a retreat was historically a period of preparation for ministerial office. In Germany in the 1920s, the word
Rüstzeit came to denote a period of free time dedicated primarily to spiritual and intellectual work rather than relaxation. It was one of the central pillars of Protestant youth work after the Evangel…
Religion Past and Present
School Bible Club
(181 words)
[German Version] The
Bibelkränzchen in Elberfeld, established in 1883 (Bible study: II), was the first German school Bible club; it inspired similar student clubs in secondary schools throughout Germany. Clubs for women were a parallel development. Their focus was on Pietistic Bible study, along with games, singing, and hiking. After World War I, the
Jugendbewegung led to conflicts within the clubs. In 1928 the Bund deutscher Bibelkreise, an umbrella organization, was formed. In 1933/1934, its leadership resisted being absorbed into the Hitler Yout…
Religion Past and Present
Rang, Martin
(178 words)
[German Version] (Nov 6, 1900, Wolfskirch near Posen – Mar 14, 1988, Frankfurt am Main), decided after studying Protestant theology in Marburg to follow a teaching career. In 1930 he became a tutor, and in 1931 professor of religious education at the Halle Pedagogical Academy. After the academy’s closure in 1933, he was suspended. He had affinities with Gerhard Bohne’s concept of proclamation, but gave it a new church basis: religious education is “church in the school.” Rang’s biblical didactics …
Religion Past and Present
Ehrenberg, Philipp Hans
(237 words)
[German Version] (Jun 4, 1883, Altona – Mar 31,1958, Heidelberg) came from a liberal, enlightened Jewish family. From 1902 to 1920 he studied jurisprudence, national economics, and philosophy. In 1909 he converted to Christianity. He received his doctorate in 1910 and in 1918 became extraordinary professor of philosophy in Heidelberg. His philosophical thought was characterized b…
Religion Past and Present
(9,075 words)
[German Version] I. Definitions and Problems - II. Greco-Roman Antiquity- III. New Testament (Primitive and Early Christianity) - IV. Christian Antiquity to the Beginning of the MiddleAges - V. The Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period - VI. German Anti-Semitism in Recent History - VII. Systematic Theology
I. Definitions and Problems The term “anti-Semitism” in its narrowest sense relates to a racist ideology that emerged in France and Germany in the last decades of the 19th century and de…
Religion Past and Present
Kirchlich-theologische Sozietät
(293 words)
[German Version] The Church-Theological Society (Kirchlich-theologische Sozietät) of Württemberg was a working group of about 100 ¶ Protestant clergy (with a few laity) that gathered around H. Diem, H. Fausel, P. Schempp, and Richard Widmann. They did not call themselves by the full name until 1936. The members shared an intensive interest in Martin Luther and K. Barth. In the Third Reich, the society supported the Confessing Church on the basis of the declarations passed by the confessing synods of Barmen and B…
Religion Past and Present
(158 words)
[English Version] . Aus dem ersten Sch. (»Bibelkränzchen« Elberfeld 1883, Bibelarbeit: II.) erwuchsen die Bibelkreise für Schüler an höheren Schulen Deutschlands. Parallel entstanden Mädchenbibelkreise. Im Mittelpunkt stand die pietistisch geprägte Arbeit an der Bibel, daneben das Spielen, Singen sowie Wanderungen. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg löste die Jugendbewegung Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der Sch. aus. 1928 wurde der »Bund dt. Bibelkreise« gegründet. 1933/34 wehrte sich dessen Führung gegen ein…
(373 words)
[English Version] . Eine Rüstzeit (Rü.) ist eine Freizeit (Freizeiten, evangelische) für (meditative) Besinnung und theol. Reflexion von Christen. Eine Retraite (Re.) ist ein Einkehrtag, der durch Stille und Gebet zur geistl. Vertiefung führen will. Hist. gesehen war Rü. in den ev. Kirchen urspr. eine Zeit der Vorbereitung auf ein geistl. Amt. In den 20er Jahren des 20.Jh. wird mit Rü. eine Freizeit bez., die vornehmlich der geistigen Arbeit und nicht der Erholung dient. Die Rü. war ein Hauptpfeil…
(160 words)
[English Version] Rang,
Martin (6.11.1900 Wolfskirch bei Posen – 14.3.1988 Frankfurt/M.) entschied sich nach dem Studium der ev. Theol. in Marburg für den Lehrberuf. 1930 wurde er Dozent, 1931 Prof. für Religionspäd. an der Päd. Akademie in Halle. Nach deren Schließung 1933 wurde er suspendiert. Er knüpfte an Gerhard Bohnes Verkündigungskonzeption an. Neu ist die kirchl. Begründung: Der Religionsunterricht ist »Kirche in der Schule«. R.s Bibeldidaktik verbindet bibl. Einzelgesch. und bibl. Gesamtge…