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(1,632 words)
Publicity—‘publicness,’ as it were—consists of packages and condensations of individual and social attentiveness, social attention, generated through communication. Its purpose is to consolidate, through communication, the most attention possible. It is distinguished in its subjects, in its size, stability, and duration, as well as in the forms and obligation of the communication. Although a society always knows a multiplicity and variety of instances of publicity, the concept of a comprehensive…
The Brill Dictionary of Religion
(1,966 words)
Dimensions of the Concept 1. The conception of heaven, together with its possible antitheses (earth, hell) and overlaps (paradise, the beyond), belongs to the most important group of influential religious symbols in the history of ideas and piety. Adapted in depth by the folk culture, it permeates many religions, and is further developed even outside explicitly religious traditions. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, this conception combines several dimensions of meaning. (a) First of all, in terms of daily human experience of the world, even today heaven or the …
The Brill Dictionary of Religion
(3,621 words)
Religion as Communication 1. From a communications theory perspective, religions are considered complex, structured, processes of communication, which separate themselves from other forms of communication through the development of specific ‘communication interconnections’ in space and time ( Feasts and Celebrations; Sunday/Sabbath), particular conformations, and specific themes ( Metaphysics; Heaven/Sky, Hell), and repeatedly by the acceptance of divine communication-participants. As they are comm…
The Brill Dictionary of Religion
(939 words)
[German Version] I. Philosophy of Religion – II. Dogmatics
I. Philosophy of Religion The concept of annihilation has its roots in the scholastic theology of creation; it also belongs to the vocabulary of German mysticism, which speaks of the soul as being “reduced to nothing” in its union with God. In the first context, it addresses the problem of how a reversal of the creation process leading from existence to non-existence can be understood, and whether this can be ascribed to God alone (as the creator). Unlike mere
corruptio, “annihilation” in scholastic theology …
Religion Past and Present
Community and the Individual
(5,279 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Philosophy – V. Dogmatics – VI. Sociology, Ethics – VII. Practical Theology
I. Religious Studies In the context of their understanding of God and related obligations, human beings make connections of solidarity and feel, with more or less intensity, that they are members of the same community. Religion brings people closer together and creates social ties: the umma of the Muslims, Christian brotherhood and ecumeni…
Religion Past and Present
(786 words)
[English Version]
I. Religionsphilosophisch Der Begriff der V. ist zum einen die dt. Übers. des in der Scholastik geprägten schöpfungstheol. Begriffs der Annihilation, zum anderen gehört er zum Wortschatz der dt. Mystik und meint dort das Zunichtewerden der Seele in der Vereinigung mit Gott. In seiner ersten Bedeutung markiert er das Problem, wie ein die Schöpfung umkehrender Übergang vom Sein zum Nicht-Sein verstanden und ob er allein Gott als dem Schöpfer zugeschrieben werden kann. Im Unterschied…
(2,396 words)
[English Version]
I. Naturwissenschaftlich und psychologisch Unter W. läßt sich allg. die Aufnahme von Information im Zentralen Nervensystem aus der Umwelt oder dem Körperinneren verstehen. Die Funktion von W. besteht in erster Linie darin, lebenswichtige Informationen aus unserer Umwelt aufzunehmen; diese benötigen wir insbes. für die Steuerung motorischer Abläufe. Oft unterscheidet man zw. Empfindung und W. Diese Unterscheidung ist auf die Theorie des Strukturalismus von W. Wundt im 18.Jh. zurückzuführen. Danach setzt sich eine W. aus untei…