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(1,368 words)
[German Version] Athanasius (299?, Alexandria – May 2, 373, Alexandria) I. Life – II. Works – III. Influence
I. Life Athanasius was one of the most influential figures in the 4th-century Christian church. It is likely that he came from a relatively humble background, as he shows few signs of classical education. He seems to have been taken into the episcopal household at Alexandria at a young age, and he first emerged as assistant and deacon to Bishop Alexander of Alexandria at the start of the controversy around the teachings of Arius. The encyclical letter, the “Henós sṓmatos” (ἑνὸς …
Religion Past and Present
(26,944 words)
[German Version] I. Primitive Christianity – II. History of Doctrine – III. Dogmatics – IV. Forms of Extra-ecclesial Christology
I. Primitive Christianity
1. History of research and preliminary questions
a. The
term Christology, which originated in the early 17th century, was coined for systematic reflection concerning Jesus Christ. Initially, conceptions and Christologies dealing with the salvation history of the whole Bible beginning with the Old Testament were as highly valued as the New Testament (cf. e.g. G.F. Händel's
Messiah). NT Christology went its own way…
Religion Past and Present
Alexander of Alexandria
(240 words)
[German Version] Bishop of Alexandria from 312 or 313 until his death in 328. His date of birth is not recorded, but sources imply that he was an elderly man by the time of his election. During his episcopate he had to contend with the effects of the Melitian schism (Melitius of Lycopolis) as well as with another schism initiated by a local presbyter, Colluthu…
Religion Past and Present