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(12,506 words)
1. IntroductionThe Greek word
theología (discourse/teaching concerning God and divinity) was used by Aristotle for the highest level of philosophy, so-called metaphysics (
Metaphysics 11. 7, 1064 b 1–3). In late antiquity, Christians used it initially for statements about the nature of God, while using the Greek word
oikonomía (household management) in the sense of “order of salvation” for God’s action in the world as Creator and Redeemer [2. 1081 f.]. In the 12th century, when
theology was used for Christian theology rather than purely philosophically as…
Religious iconography
(7,713 words)
1. Introduction
1.1. Concept and historical backgroundReligious iconography in the current sense is the study of the meanings of religious images and, as distinct from profane iconography, refers generally to engagement with the content of works of art on religious themes. It also denotes the method for studying the content of the religious images found in (mostly Christian) early modern Europe (“Christian iconography”; but see also Islamic art and architecture).Christian-themed art underwent profound structural changes in the early modern period. For the Greek …
(2,602 words)
1. IntroductionFrom the perspective of the academic study of religion, prayer (Latin
oratio, preces) is the “dialogical approach of an individual to his or her God, in order to represent their own existence to him in its neediness or satisfaction as the sphere of action of
this God” [3. 32]; it is a fundamental form of human communication. Prayer is an expression of both personal, individual practice (private prayer) and institutionally organized practice (liturgical prayer; see Worship). Both types of prayer influence and partially shape…
Orthodox churches
(6,355 words)
1. GeneralUntil the Reformation, both the Eastern and Western churches called themselves both orthodox (“believing correctly”) and catholic (“universal”). Until the beginning of the 20th century, as a rule people still spoke of the “Orthodox Catholic Church of the East.” The gradual fixation on the word
Orthodox in the self-designation of the churches discussed here did not prevail everywhere – for example not in the Apostolic Church of the East and the Armenian Apostolic Church.If
Orthodox originally referred primarily to the correct faith of the Ecumenical Counc…
(4,076 words)
1. Overview
Preaching (from Latin
praedicatio, “proclamation”) denotes public proclamation in the setting of Christian worship. It can be divided into two genres: (1) the homily (Greek
homilía; Latin
tractatus, “speech,” “exposition”), that is, the interpretation of previously read Bible texts (“lections”) – a practice adopted by Christianity from Judaism – and (2) the sermon (Latin
sermo, “speech”), which develops a topic systematically and is based on the church year (Latin
sermo de tempore, “sermon on the season”), the feasts of the saints (
de sanctis, “on the sai…
Greek Orthodox Church
(856 words)
A Greek Orthodox Church in the strict sense has existed only since 1833, when the church in Greece withdrew from the jurisdiction of Constantinople or since 1850, when the patriarchate recognized the ecclesiastical independence (autocephaly) of the Greek Orthodox Church. Until then Greece had been subject to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Orthodox churches), though the see of Thessaloniki was second only to Constantinople in importance within the purview of the patriarchate.After the Ottoman conquest (Expansionism 2.), essentially completed in 14…
(5,036 words)
1. Catholic
1.1. Scope and meaningIn the Catholic context, public worship, specifically liturgy (Greek
leitourgía, "congregational act of worship"; German
Gottesdienst, "divine service"), is a general term referring to gatherings in which the Church performs rituals to commemorate salvation granted by God through Jesus Christ and offers him worship, thanks, and prayer. The Mass (re-enacting in sacramental form the death and resurrection of Christ) is the central focus and epitome of this practice. The term "ac…