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(1,951 words)
1. Begriff und geschichtliche Entwicklung bis zum 15. Jh.P. bezeichnet zum einen das Amt des Pfarrers, zum anderen das Pfarrhaus als Verwaltungszentrum einer Pfarrei, die entweder die Gläubigen eines bestimmten Bezirks (Territorialgemeinde) oder einer bestimmten Gruppe (Personalgemeinde) umfasst (zur Etymologie der dt. Worte Pfarrei und Pfarrer vgl. [4. 153]).Die christl. Gemeinden der Antike, deren Territorium mit dem einer Stadt identisch war, wurden von einem Bischof unter Mithilfe weiterer Kleriker geleitet. Als das Christentum sich auch…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(5,017 words)
1. AllgemeinS. Kindheit; Pädagogik; Schule2. Religiöse Erziehung in Spätmittelalter und HumanismusWährend des MA wurde es hauptsächlich als Aufgabe der Familie angesehen, für die Vermittlung wenigstens rudimentärer Kenntnisse von religiösen Lehren und Gebräuchen Sorge zu tragen. An Hilfsmitteln standen den Eltern dafür neben der eigenen religiösen Praxis und der kirchlichen Verkündigung (Predigt; eigene Kinderpredigten scheint es, anders als früher von der Forschung vermutet, aber nicht gegeben zu haben [6. 278]) auch kurzgefasste schriftliche Anleitungen zur Ve…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(5,274 words)
1. Geschichte und Kultur 1.1. ÜberblickT. bedeutet »Überlieferung«. Idealtypisch versteht man darunter einen je spezifischen Fundus von Wissensbeständen und Techniken, Sitten und Bräuchen, Einstellungen und Haltungen, Normen und Institutionen, der innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft relativ unverändert von einer Generation an die folgende weitergegeben wird und deren Kultur dadurch Kontinuität und Identität verleiht. »Als Träger von T. im engeren und weiteren Sinne gelten bevorzugt die kleinen sozialen Einheiten (Eltern, Familie, Clan) oder Beruf…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(12,506 words)
1. IntroductionThe Greek word
theología (discourse/teaching concerning God and divinity) was used by Aristotle for the highest level of philosophy, so-called metaphysics (
Metaphysics 11. 7, 1064 b 1–3). In late antiquity, Christians used it initially for statements about the nature of God, while using the Greek word
oikonomía (household management) in the sense of “order of salvation” for God’s action in the world as Creator and Redeemer [2. 1081 f.]. In the 12th century, when
theology was used for Christian theology rather than purely philosophically as…
(5,717 words)
1. History and culture
1.1. IntroductionTradition (Latin
traditio, via Old French
tradicion, “handing over,” “delivery”) denotes customs, beliefs, and the like, that are “handed down” from generation to generation. In theory, it is understood as a specific reservoir of knowledge, techniques, technologies, mores, customs, perspectives, attitudes, norms, and institutions residing within a community and passed down relatively unchanged by one generation to the next, thereby lending continuity and identity to…
(6,920 words)
1. Introduction
1.1. General considerationsIn the early modern period, sacraments were part of the religious practice of all Christian churches, albeit with varying emphases and interpretations. Nevertheless, all believed that the celebration and administration of the sacraments, like the proclamation of the word of God, was central to the Christian church, and that sacraments, though performed by human beings, provided a place where the promise of Jesus Christ to be present with his flock was fulfi…
(10,095 words)
1. Introduction
1.1. Definition and backgroundEven today the term
office (German
Amt) still covers a broad semantic spectrum that preserves the manifold references and contexts of premodern administrative activity (Government). It extends from the exercise of a specific function through the designation of a territorial administrative district to a local authority or even a building in which lower-ranking administrative bodies are housed. As a result of developments at the beginning of the early modern period, this semantic richness can be documented, for example, in the
(2,146 words)
1. To the 15th centuryThe term “pastorate” in English refers to the office of pastor, but the German term
Pfarramt encompasses in a kind of personal union both the pastorate and the rectory or parish house as the administrative center of a parish, which comprises either the faithful within a specific area (territorial parish) or belonging to a specific group (personal parish). (On the etymology of the German words
Pfarrei, “parish,” and
Pfarrer, “pastor,” see [4. 153]).The Christian parish (Congregation) of Roman late antiquity, whose territory was coextens…
(5,400 words)
1. General See Childhood; Pedagogy; SchoolPeter Walter2. Late medieval religious education and HumanismDuring the Middle Ages, transmission of at least the rudiments of religious teaching and practice was considered primarily the task of the family. Contrary to the assumption of earlier researchers, however, besides their own religious practice and the preaching of the church (Sermon), there do not appear to have been sermons addressed specifically to children [6. 278]). The tools available to parents included brief written guides, which could be acquired an…
(7,623 words)
1. IntroductionMission (Neolatin
missio, “[act of sending]”; “dispatch”) denotes what was originally an exclusively Christian phenomenon: the active propagation of a religion, Christianity, by annunciation and sacramental incorporation into the church. A distinction is drawn between this “outer mission” (
missio externa) and the “inner mission” (
missio interna) that aims to recruit or recover to the faith people in already Christian countries.The literate religions that existed before and alongside Christianity did spread through migration, like Judaism…