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Prophet, Prophecy
(6,407 words)
1. Religions 1.1.
Definition In Greek the term
prophētēs (prophet) refers to one engaged in public proclamation, as by oracles or poets. The word became significant when used to describe an OT phenomenon, as it came to denote the OT prophets in particular and then, by extension, similar NT figures, even though they were not specifically modeled on the OT prophets. The term then became a significant one in Islam, but again with characteristic modifications. In the history of Christianity and Islam (His…
(7,284 words)
[English Version]
I. ReligionswissenschaftlichAnders als in archaischen Kulturen, in denen das Wohlergehen der Gemeinschaft aus rel. Sicht durch rituell beeinflußbare, aber letztlich unkalkulierbare Schicksalsmächte bestimmt ist, entwickeln sich im Kontext der frühen städtischen Hochkulturen rel. Weltbilder, in denen universale Ordnungsbegriffe eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Die »funktionierende Weltordnung« (Klimkeit) wird in diesem religionsgesch. Kontext zum Strukturprinzip von Welterklärungsmode…
(8,171 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies In archaic cultures, the wellbeing of the community is determined by a fatal power that can be influenced by religious rituals but is ultimately incalculable. In the context of advanced early urban cultures, however, there emerged religious worldviews in which universal concepts of order played a central role. In this historical context, a “functioning world order” (Klimkeit) became the structural principle for models explaining the world. The connection between …
Religion Past and Present