Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Kühlmann, Wilhelm" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Kühlmann, Wilhelm" )' returned 10 results. Modify search
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Buchner, August
(783 words)
Dt. Dichter und Klass. Philologe. Geb. am 2. 11. 1591 in Dresden, gest. am 12. 2. 1661 in Apollensdorf (Pollensdorf) bei Wittenberg. 1604–1610 am Landesgymnasium zu Pforta; ab 1610 Studium der Philosophie in Wittenberg. 1616 Magister sowie Ernennung zum Prof. für Poesie, 1632 auch zum Prof. für Rhetorik ebda.; 1618, 1628, 1632 und 1654 Rektor. Ab 1641 Mitglied der »Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft«. Werdegang, Werk und Wirkung B., Sohn eines Bau- und Oberzeugmeisters, lernte während des Studiums den Klass. Philologen und neulat. Dichter Friedrich Taubmann ken…
Freinsheim, Johannes
(461 words)
Auch Freinsheimer, Johannes Caspar; dt. Historiker und Philologe. Geb. am 16. 11. 1608 in Ulm, gest. am 31. 8. 1660 in Heidelberg. Nach Studien an den Univ. Marburg (1625), Gießen und Straßburg (1627) Mitarbeiter im Hause Matthias Berneggers in Straßburg; Heirat mit dessen Tochter Elisabeth. 1633–1635 im Dienst des franz. Rates Michel Marescot; ab 1642 Prof. für Politik und Rhetorik an der Univ. Uppsala; ab 1647/48 Hofbibliothekar und Hofhistoriograph Königin Christinas ebda. 1652 Rückkehr nach Deutschland; ab 1656 Honorarprof. an der Univ. Heidelberg. Werdegang, Werk und …
Boeckler, Johann Heinrich
(681 words)
Johannes Boeclerus; dt. Polyhistor. Geb. am 13. 12. 1611 in Cronheim (Mittelfranken), gest. am 12. 9. 1672 in Straßburg. Gymnasium in Heilbronn; Studium in Altdorf, dann v. a. in Straßburg tätig; dort Lehrer am Gymnasium, ab 1637 Prof. für Rhetorik; 1640 Lehrstuhl für Gesch. (in Nachfolge seines Lehrers Matthias Bernegger) ebda. 1649 (nach Ende des Dreißigjährigen Krieges) Berufung erst an die Universität Uppsala durch Königin Christina, 1650 als Hofhistoriograph nach Stockholm (Ergebnis des Auf…
Bernegger, Matthias
(810 words)
Österr.-dt. Philologe und Staatstheoretiker. Geb. am 8. 2. 1582 in Hallstatt, gest. am 5. 2. 1640 in Straßburg. Ab 1592 Schulbesuch in Wels, ab 1598/99 Studium in Straßburg; 1601 Abschluss als Magister. Anschließend Reise durch die habsburgischen Kronländer als Begleiter des kaiserlichen Rates Johannes Steinberger; zeitweise Aufenthalt in Regensburg (1603). Fortsetzung des Studiums, auch der Astronomie und Mathematik, in Straßburg; 1608 Gymnasiallehrer ebda.; ab 1613 Prof. für Gesch., zeitweise …
Freinsheim, Johannes
(493 words)
Also Freinsheimer, Johannes Caspar; German historian and philologist. Born Ulm 16. 11. 1608, died Heidelberg 31. 8. 1660. After studying at the Univs. of Marburg (1625), Gissen and Strasbourg (1627), he was an assistant in the home of Matthias Bernegger in Strasbourg, and married Bernegger’s daughter Elisabeth. 1633–1635 in the service of the French councillor ¶ Michel Marescot; from 1642 prof. of politics and rhetoric at Univ. of Uppsala. From 1647/48 Court Librarian and Court Historian to Queen Christina, Uppsala. Returned to Germany 1652; from 165…
Boeckler, Johann Heinrich
(711 words)
Johannes Boeclerus; German polyhistorian. Born 13. 12. 1611 in Cronheim (Middle Franconia), died 12. 9. 1672 in Strasbourg.
Gymnasium at Heilbronn; studied at Altdorf, then especially at Strasbourg, where he taught at the
Gymnasium. From 1637 prof. of rhetoric; 1640 prof. of history (succeeding his teacher Matthias Bernegger), also Strasbourg. 1649 (after end of Thirty Years’ War), appointed first to Univ. of Uppsala by Queen Christina, then Stockholm 1650 as court historian (result of appointment: [13]). Despite honorarium fro…
Bernegger, Matthias
(866 words)
Austrian-German philologist and political theorist. Born 8. 2. 1582 in Hallstatt, died 5. 2. 1640 in Strasbourg. Attended school from 1592 in Wels, from 1598/99 studied at Strasbourg; 1601 master’s degree. Then travelled through the Habsburg crown domains accompanying Imperial Councillor Johannes Steinberger; stayed for a time at Regensburg (1603). Continued studies, including of astronomy and mathematics, at Strasbourg.
Gymnasium teacher there 1608. From 1613 prof. of history, for a time (1626–1629) also of rhetoric, at the Strasbourg Academy, which in…
Buchner, August
(847 words)
German poet and classical philologist. Born Dresden 2. 11. 1591, died Apollensdorf (Pollensdorf) near Wittenberg, 12. 2. 1661. 1604–1610 at Pforta
Landesgymnasium. From 1610, studied philosophy at Wittenberg. 1616 masters and named prof. of poetry, 1632 also prof. of rhetoric, also Wittenberg. Rector in 1618, 1628, 1632 and 1654. Member of the
Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft from 1641. Background, work and influence B., the son of an architect and master of ordinance, became acquainted with the classical philologist and Neo-Latin poet Friedrich Taubmann whi…
(6,748 words)
[German Version] I. Use and History of the Term – II. Architecture and Landscaping – III. Painting and Sculpture – IV. Literature – V. Music
I. Use and History of the Term Initially a pejorative designation for irregular and un-natural elements of architecture following the Renaissance, the term “Baroque” has, since J. Burckhardt (1855) and Heinrich Wölfflin (1888), been revaluated into a term describing an artistic,…
Religion Past and Present
(685 words)
[German Version]
I. Societas Roseae Crucis
Societas Roseae Crucis (or
Rosae Crucis or
Rosaceae Crucis) is the name of a notional society of Protestant (initially primarily Lutheran) intellectuals of the earth 17th century, with a historical presence extending into Masonic and hermetic circles of the 18th century (Freemasons; Hermeticism: II, 4). The movement originated in Tübingen, in a group gathered around the young theologian J.V. Andreae and Tobias Hess (1568–1614), a jurisprudent and lay physician; the g…
Religion Past and Present