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(3,425 words)
[German Version] I. History and Cosmology – II. Religious Studies – III. Evolution and Creation – IV. Social Sciences – V. Ethics
I. History and Cosmology The significance of the notion of evolution as a historical process taking place through the interaction of contingent factors and regular laws first attracted attention in 18th-century geology, where it served to mediate between the theory of uniformity, espoused by James Hutton (…
Religion Past and Present
Evolution, Law of
(1,993 words)
[German Version] I. History of Science – II. Dogmatics – III. Ethics
I. History of Science A fundamentally new understanding of human beings and nature from the end of the 16th century prepared the way for evolutionary thinking. In the new paradigm, which is regarded as one of the greatest scientific revolutions, a world without a final cause and which developed and changed
ad infinitum was presumed. Since C.R. Darwin, the mechanism of evolution has been described as variation and natural selecti…
Religion Past and Present