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(13,059 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies
1. Concept. The word
revelation echoes the Greek ἀποκάλυψις/
apokálypsis (“uncovering”), which was translated into Latin as
revelatio and then borrowed into most European languages. The literal meaning already indicates that revelation involves a reality, content, more specifically a message hidden from mortals. Revelation is important: it is relevant religious knowledge necessary for salvation, for finding meaning, and for dealing with everyday life. It is knowledge that peo-¶ ple do not already possess by nature, and their reli…
Religion Past and Present
(3,175 words)
[German Version] Lament I. Religious Studies – II. Bible – III. Systematic Theology – IV. Practical Theology – V. Judaism
I. Religious Studies Lament has its roots in human experience; it gives voice to suffering and mourning, in ritual, poetic, or informal form. Its end is not theoretical, like theodicy, but practical: people react to the experience of situations perceived as mentally, physically or socially painful and process these experiences individually or collectively. The prototypical occasion for mournin…
Religion Past and Present
Heavenly Voice
(387 words)
[German Version] (
Bat Qol). Voices of revelation are quite common in ancient Judaism: in the pseudepigrapha and in apocalypticism, in the “Rewritten Bible” (
Jub., LAB), and in the Judeo-Hellenistic authors. In rabbinic literature, the heavenly voice attains particular significance since it appears in the technical term
bat qol ¶ (origins unexplained; Targumic Aramaic
berat qala) in a total of approx. 127 tradition complexes. According to
t. Soṭah XIII 3f. parr., as a mediator of revelation it is a substitute for the Holy Spirit of prophecy, although of lesser quality (
b. Yoma 9b;
Religion Past and Present