Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Völker, Alexander" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Völker, Alexander" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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Liturgische Konferenz (LK)
(387 words)
[German Version] “The purpose of the Lutherische Liturgische Konferenz (LLK; Lutheran Liturgical Conference) is to encourage cooperation among the individuals, organizations, and church offices engaged in liturgical studies and development in German-speaking Europe to serve the churches supporting the Conference by providing support for reports and the preparation of liturgical orders and materials. The Conference seeks to foster the liturgical life of churches with Evangelical Lutheran congregati…
Religion Past and Present
(6,019 words)
[German Version] I. History – II. Musical History – III. Physical Appearance – IV. Worship – V. Education
I. History
1. General A hymnal is usually a book containing a collection of Christian chant and song, including texts taken from the Bible. Starting in the 16th century, hymnals developed out of such precursors as antiphonaries and graduals, later missals, worship directories, song books, and choir books, becoming an independent and indispensable genre of religious publication – intended as a basis, source, …
Religion Past and Present
(12,190 words)
[English Version]
I. Begriff und Umfang der Psalmen/des PsaltersDas Buch der Pss ist eine einzigartige Zusammenstellung von 150 poetischen Texten zu einem Werk sui generis. Seine hebr. Bez. תְּהִלִּים (סֵפֶר)/(sepær) t ehilli^m, »Buch der (Lob-)Preisungen«, findet sich schon in Qumran (ältester Beleg: 4QM a [= 4 Q 491] 174 [1.Jh. v.Chr.]). Ähnlich wie in den ca.100 Jahre jüngeren ntl. Stellen Lk 20,42; Apg 1,20 (βι´βλος ψαλμω˜n̆/bi´blos psalmō´n) scheint damit zunächst im technischen Sinn eine Schriftrolle mit Pss gemeint zu sein (vgl. die Frgm. 4QPs)…
(13,915 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology and Scope The book of Psalms is a unique collection of 150 poetic texts compiled to make a work
sui generis. Its Hebrew title תְּהִלִּים(סֵפֶר) /(
tĕhillîm, “(Book of) Praises,” is already found at Qumran (earliest instance: 4QMa [= 4Q491] 174, 1st cent. bce). As in the New Testament occurrences from about a century later (Luke 20:42; Acts 1:20: βίβλος ψαλμῶν/
bíblos psalmṓ
n), it appears to be used primarily in the technical sense of a scroll containing psalms (cf. the frgm. 4QPs), but it might also denote a form of the Psalter. In 11QPsa, a collectio…
Religion Past and Present