Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Weitzel, Jürgen" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Weitzel, Jürgen" )' returned 5 results. Modify search
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Publicity, principle of
(916 words)
principle of publicity means the public character of court proceedings open to the general public. Below the fully developed principle of publicity in constitutional states since the mid-19th century, there was so-called
party publicity, which granted access not only to the parties to a case but also to their “friends” (relatives), even in proceedings before the council (Council [administrative]) of the late medieval town. Generally, the trial procedure of the
ius commune followed the principle of
scribality, which entailed closed sessions excluding the general…
Judicial constitution
(1,188 words)
1. Definition and functionThe judicial organization or constitution of a state governs the execution and continued observation of its constitution, especially the territorial divisions of the state and the principles of government, as well as the organization, personnel, competence, (self-)administration, cooperation, public character, policing, language, consultation, and deliberations of courts of law. The procedural law of the individual branches of the judiciary derive from this organizational constitution.The judicial organization of early modern Europ…
Ecclesiastical law
(5,792 words)
1. Foundations of Catholic and Protestant ecclesiastical lawThe ecclesiastical law of the early modern period is characterized by the loss of the religious unity that shaped the Middle Ages. In a revolutionary departure [2. 503] following the Lutheran Reformation in 1517, alongside the law of the Roman Catholic Church, summarized in the
Corpus Iuris Canonici, there now stood a different basic understanding of the role of law in the church. The recognition of Protestant teaching as having equal rights (in the 1555 Peace of Augsburg, 1555) and the…
Corpus Iuris Canonici
(915 words)
1. OriginNow in common use, since 1580
Corpus Iuris Canonici (“collection of canon law”) has been the official designation of a compilation of ecclesiastical legal collections and law codes from circa 1140 to the end of the 15th century. The
Corpus Iuris Canonici is the official summary of older canon-law measures (Latin,
canones) adapted during the age of “classic canon law” (1140-1350) and of new law created for the Catholic Church by papal replies to legal inquiries (decretals). It consists of five works: the
Decretum Gratiani from circa 1140, the
Liber Extra of Pope Gregory I…
Church property
(1,968 words)
1. DefinitionThe phrase
church property (Latin
bona ecclesiastica) denotes the assets of a church. It includes all rights with monetary value – especially property, usage rights, claims to taxes, other legal claims, and power of disposition over external things. Even in the Catholic Church, the proprietors of church property are not (only) the universal church or the Apostolic See (Papacy) but primarily individual ecclesiastical institutions (e.g. the church province, diocese, monastic order, Landeskir…