Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Werbick, Jürgen" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Werbick, Jürgen" )' returned 4 results. Modify search
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Corpus Christi mysticum
(314 words)
[German Version] Following Pauline discussion of the body (of Christ), theologians in Antiquity understood the church as a body effectively symbolized in the celebration of the Eucharist and nourished by it (cf. Leo I: “Our participation in the body and blood of Christ strives for nothing other than to change us into what we receive”;
Sermo 63.7). The church here is the
corpus vere nourished and renewed by the reception of the Eucharistic body (
corpus mysticum). The discussion concerning the Eucharistic real presence resulted in the fact that, conversely, the eucharistic figure was ¶ des…
Religion Past and Present
Cologne Declaration
(249 words)
[German Version] The Cologne Declaration was drawn up by an initiator group in Cologne on Jan 5, 1989 and subsequently signed by more than 200 professors of theology in the German-speaking realm; it sparked off fierce and still ongoing controversies within the Catholic Church. Taking up on the dispute caused by the appointment of the new archbishop of Cologne, the declaration expresses disapproval of an ecclesiastical centralism that ignores local situations and …
Religion Past and Present
(13,059 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies
1. Concept. The word
revelation echoes the Greek ἀποκάλυψις/
apokálypsis (“uncovering”), which was translated into Latin as
revelatio and then borrowed into most European languages. The literal meaning already indicates that revelation involves a reality, content, more specifically a message hidden from mortals. Revelation is important: it is relevant religious knowledge necessary for salvation, for finding meaning, and for dealing with everyday life. It is knowledge that peo-¶ ple do not already possess by nature, and their reli…
Religion Past and Present
(11,471 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Examination of repentance from the perspective of religious studies must confront the problem that the term itself has no culturally neutral meaning. Many of the phenomena in other religions that Christians tend to call repentance appear in a different light when viewed in the context of different anthropological presuppositions, ¶ so that due weight must be given to the religious anthropology in question. Generally speaking, it is true to say that in almost all non-Christian religions the notion of repentance c…
Religion Past and Present