
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hagel, Doris" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hagel, Doris" )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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(6,748 words)

Author(s): Sparn, Walter | Hüttel, Richard | Mikuda-Hüttel, Barbara | Kühlmann, Wilhelm | Hagel, Doris
[German Version] I. Use and History of the Term – II. Architecture and Landscaping – III. Painting and Sculpture – IV. Literature – V. Music I. Use and History of the Term Initially a pejorative designation for irregular and un-natural elements of architecture following the Renaissance, the term “Baroque” has, since J. Burckhardt (1855) and Heinrich Wölfflin (1888), been revaluated into a term describing an artistic,…

Carpentier, Alejo

(226 words)

Author(s): Hagel, Doris
[German Version] (Dec 26, 1904, Havanna – Apr 24, 1980, Paris), a major 20th-century novelist and musicologist of Franco-Russian extraction. His oeuvre consists of several essays, novellas and six novels, and may be seen as a historiography of European culture in the Ibero-American context, as well as of its decline in the wake of the liberation movements of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is dominated by political themes such as the revolution, its lack of authe…