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Myth and Mythology
(12,158 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. History – III. Philosophy of Religion – IV. Fundamental Theology. – V. Missiology
I. Religious Studies
1. The Concept and Its History Myth may be defined by either content or function. Defined by content, myth is a belief
about something significant, such as the world or society. Defined by function, myth
accomplishes something significant, such as explaining the world or supporting society. Most theories of myth are concerned with the
function of myth, but many are also concerned with either the
origin or the
subject matter of myth. Myt…
Religion Past and Present
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
(246 words)
[German Version] (Apr 10, 1857, Paris – Mar 13, 1939, Paris), philosopher and anthropologist. He taught history of philosophy at the Sorbonne. Through his friendship with É. Durkheim, Lévy-Bruhl became interested in sociology and ethics. Lévy-Bruhl argued that morality varies with each culture and does so because human nature varies. Morality should therefore be studied by social scientists, not philosophers (
La morale et la science des mœurs, 1903). In
Les fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inférieures (1910; ET:
How ¶ Natives Think, 1926) Lévy-Bruhl was of the opinion th…
Religion Past and Present