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(9,133 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Old Testament – III. New Testament – IV. Church History – V. Systematic Theology – VI. Law – VII. Judaism
I. Religious Studies
1. The use of the term
grace has been influenced strongly by the historically innovative Pauline conception. For Paul, grace is a gift, a unique fruit of God's salvific purpose and redemptive action. After the analogy of other redemptive religions, Paul employed this term to denote a fundamental aspect of the salvific action of the deity. In other religion…
Religion Past and Present
Job/Book of Job
(2,859 words)
[German Version] I. Job and the Crisis of Wisdom – II. The Job Novella – III. Job's Dialogue with His Friends – IV. God's Response
I. Job and the Crisis of Wisdom With
Qohelet , Job bears literary witness to the crisis of wisdom thought in the Old Testament. According to the wisdom tradition, God formed the world embodying a good and just order. This order reveals itself to those who seek knowledge; it vouchsafes them knowledge of God along with knowledge of the world. Both teach people to live a well-ordered existence, to t…
Religion Past and Present