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Local Church
(1,563 words)
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. Meaning – III. Missiology
I. Terminology The term
local church owes its theological rediscovery to Vatican II and must be understood against the background of the Roman Catholic understanding of the church (VIII, 2.b). There it denotes the church in a specific region, usually a diocese. From a systematic perspective, it refers to the middle level of ecclesiastical organization, between the Roman Catholic universal church and the Catholic parish. In German Protestantism deaneries (Dean/Deanery) or church districts (Church polity:…
Religion Past and Present
Jesus Christ
(19,624 words)
[German Version] I. Name and Titles – II. Jesus Christ in the History of Christianity – III. Jesus Christ in Other Religions – IV. Jesus Christ in Jewish Perspective – V. Jesus Christ in Islamic Perspective – VI. Jesus Christ in Art
I. Name and Titles
1. Jesus of Nazareth
a. Terminology The appellation
Jesus Christ signals a significant tension regarding the figure in question. Although generally understood as a double name, it originated as a fusion of two heterogeneous elements: the theophoric personal name Joshua/Jeshua (Heb. “the Lord help…
Religion Past and Present
(3,471 words)
[German Version] I. History of Literature (Early Church) – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. Fundamental Theology – IV. Dogmatics – V. Ethics – VI. Ecumenism – VII. Dialogue and Mission
I. History of Literature (Early Church) Dialogue, as a philosophical disputation with the objective of vanquishing the opponent at all costs, originated with the Sophists (Sophistic School); as a literary form, Plato's …
Religion Past and Present
(742 words)
[German Version] I. Dogmatics, Fundamental Theology - II. Missiology
I. Dogmatics, Fundamental Theology The term “accommodation” (from Latin
accommodatio, “accommodation, adaptation”) originated in classical rhetoric (I); it denotes the adaptation of an object to its environment – in rhetoric (II), the adaptation of linguistic expression to its subject matter, purpose, and …
Religion Past and Present
Contextual Theology
(850 words)
[German Version] I. Systematic Theology – II. Missiology
I. Systematic Theology “Contextual theology” denotes that form of theological work, with a primarily inductive approach, for which the deliberate inclusion of the cultural and religious environment as the starting point and goal of theological reflection is constitutive. Unlike a local theology, i.e. a theology defined simply by its cultural setting, contextual theology takes its cultural determination
self-reflexively into account, claiming particular relevance while at the same time maintaini…
Religion Past and Present
Trinity/Doctrine of the Trinity
(11,509 words)
[German Version] ¶
I. Terminology To an unusual degree, the theology of the Trinity is characterized by a strained combination of narrative biblical language and speculative philosophical language. The word
trinitas was first used by Tertullian (
Prax. 2.1–4), as a translation of Greek τριάς/
triás (orig. “threeness”). To denote the divine unity (God: V, 1), the 4th-century debates showed that the term οὐσία/
ousí (“Essence”; see also Divine essence) borrowed from Greek philosophy was theologically legitimate. The term ὑπόστασις/
hypóstasis (Hypostasis) was sometimes used i…
Religion Past and Present
Art and Religion
(16,087 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies, Systematics – II. Academic Research Disciplines – III. History – IV. Christian Theology
I. Religious Studies, Systematics
1. Methodology. In defining the relationship between art and religion from the perspective of religious studies, one cannot speak of a universal concept of art and religion on the phenomenal level. To do comparative work, however, sufficient abstract characteristics must be established as a
tertium comparationis to enable a systematic examination of the relationship betwe…
Religion Past and Present
(10,414 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. Old Testament – III. Judaism – IV. Christianity – V. Dogmatics – VI. Islam
I. History of Religions The terms
messiah and
messianism derive from the Hebrew word
māšîaḥ, “anointed one.” Under the impact of foreign rule in Israel and Judah beginning in the 6th century bce, the word took on a new meaning: the Messiah was expected to bring deliverance from foreigners and oppressors, and in part to inaugurate the eschatological age of salvation (see II–IV below). The word's meaning was expanded in the …
Religion Past and Present
Minjung Theology
(865 words)
[German Version] The protagonists of the South Korean Minjung theology (Korea: IV) that emerged in the 1970s have always stressed that they, as Christians, only represent a minority within a much larger movement. The Sino-Korean name formed through the combination of the syllables
Min (people) and
Jung (mass) refers to the Korean people and their suffering under foreign rule and oppression. Centuries of Chinese domination, the Japanese colonization (1905–1945), the division of the country (1945), the Cold War, and a bloody civil war (1950–1…
Religion Past and Present
Intercultural Theology
(1,083 words)
[German Version] The term “intercultural theology” does not yet refer to a clearly circumscribed subdiscipline of theology nor to a specific method. Its respective meaning is defined by the research interests of those who employ it. Nonetheless, a paradigm shift is taking place here at the margins of the traditional canon of disciplines that will influence the entire discipline of theology. Important impulses originate in the disciplines of the history of religions or religious studies, missiology…
Religion Past and Present
(7,296 words)
[German Version] I. History of the Discipline – II. Methodology – III. Missiology and Other Disciplines – IV. Missiological Hermeneutics – V. Topics of Missiology – VI. Research and Study
I. History of the Discipline From the outset, Christians have reflected on the practical and theological questions posed by the Christian mission, as illustrated, for example, by the Pauline Epistles, the book of Acts, and, c. 600, the well-known missionary instructions of Gregory the Great. At certain critical times in the history of Chri…
Religion Past and Present
(20,501 words)
[German Version]
I. The Concept
1. History. As a sign of modern reflection on religion from an anthropo-philosophical perspective, we may take the emergence of philosophical anthropology (Human beings) c. 1600 (Odo Marquard) and the philosophy of religion c. 1770. However these two disciplines are defined – whether as (sub)disciplines of philosophy or simply as philosophy –, they are related to the problems raised by the various positions taken in modern debates over (Christian) religious belief (Faith…
Religion Past and Present
(10,088 words)
[English Version]
I. Begrifflichkeit In bes. Maße ist die Trinitätstheol. gekennzeichnet durch ein spannungsvolles Ineinander von bibl.-narrativer und philos.-spekulativer Sprache. Der Ausdruck trinitas begegnet erstmals bei Tertullian (Prax. 2,1–4) als Übers. des griech. τρια´ς/triás (urspr. »Dreiheit«). Im Dt. haben sich neben dem Fremdwort »T.« die Begriffe »Dreieinigkeit« und »Dreifaltigkeit« etabliert. Für die Benennung der göttlichen Einheit (Gott: V.,1.) haben die Auseinandersetzungen des 4.Jh. den aus der antiken Philos. stammenden Terminus ου᾿σι´α/ousía …
(18,949 words)
[English Version]
I. Zum Begriff
Zur Geschichte des Begriffs Als Indiz später Reflexion der Rel. in anthropologisch-philos. Hinsicht dient die erst neuzeitliche Herausbildung einer Anthropologie (Mensch) um 1600 (Odo Marquard) und einer Religionsphilosophie um 1770. Wie immer diese beiden Disziplinen näherhin bestimmt sein mögen – als philos. (Teil-)Disziplin oder als Philosophie schlechthin –, stehen sie damit im Problemkreis der vielfältigen, sich polarisierenden, zustimmenden oder ablehnenden und …
(1,390 words)
[English Version]
I. Begriff und Abgrenzung Der Begriff O. verdankt seine theol. Wiederentdeckung dem Vaticanum II und ist vor dem Hintergrund des röm.-kath. Kirchenverständnisses (Kirche: VIII.,2., b) zu verstehen. Hier bez. er Kirche auf regionaler Ebene, insbes. die Diözesen. In systemtheoretischer Perspektive benennt er die mittleren kirchl. Organisationsebenen zw. der röm.-kath. Welt- bzw. Gesamtkirche einerseits und den kath. Pfarrgemeinden bzw. Pfarreien andererseits. Im ev. Raum gibt es zwar mit den Dekanaten oder Kirchenkreisen (Kirchenverfassu…