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(547 words)
[German Version]
1. Gerhard (Apr 6, 1888, Sooden/Werra – Jul 1, 1967, Freiburg im Breisgau). This historian and son of a pastor was a teacher, like his brother Karl Bernhard (see 2. below); he served from 1915 to 1919 as a soldier. In 1925 he became professor in Freiburg. He translated T. More’s
Utopia, wrote a history of Heidelberg University in the Middle Ages, and, as editor, opened the
ARG to international research in 1938. Ritter was Baden’s delegate to the Barmen Confessing Synod. Because of the memoranda for D. Bonhoeffer, Ritter was imprisoned in 1944. He…
Religion Past and Present