Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Wallmann, Johannes" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Wallmann, Johannes" )' returned 57 results. Modify search
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Geier, Martin
(216 words)
Yvon, Pierre
(212 words)
(7,917 words)
Schurman, Anna Maria van
(177 words)
Concord, The Book of
(375 words)
Rechenberg, Adam
(162 words)
(6,563 words)
(1,253 words)
Undereyck, Theodor
(266 words)
Myslenta, Cölestin
(211 words)
Zimmermann, Johann Jakob
(219 words)
Martini, Jakob
(139 words)
Habermann, Johann
(193 words)
Mayer, Johann Friedrich
(239 words)
Löscher, Valentin Ernst
(412 words)
Großgebauer, Theophil
(189 words)
Petersen, Johann Wilhelm and Johanna Eleonora
(388 words)
Praetorius, Stephan
(218 words)
Martini, Cornelius
(147 words)
Samson, Hermann
(121 words)