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(146 words)
[German Version] (before 354? – before 419/422), played a major role in the controversies between Donatists (Donatism) and Catholics in North Africa. Petilianus was a lawyer, and therefore had legal and rhetorical training. Around 399 he became Donatist bishop of the provincial capital Constantina in Numidia. His writings were directed against Augustine on several occasions, and he was one of the spokesmen of the Donatists at the decisive religious disputation in Carthage in 411. The effect is sti…
Religion Past and Present
Elijah the Prophet
(2,156 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Judaism – III. New Testament – IV. Christianity
I. Old Testament Elijah, an Israelite prophet in the 9th century bce, was from transjordanian Tishbe in Gilead (not yet located with certainty); consequently, he bore the nickname “the Tishbite,” but only rarely the title “prophet.” He appeared in the Northern Kingdom and was active under kings Ahab (871–852) and Ahaziah (852–851). He is said not to have died but to have been taken up by God to heaven. The
traditions concerning Elijah occur in 1 Kgs 17–19; 21; …
Religion Past and Present
Polychronius of Apamea
(158 words)
[German Version] (died c. 430). The only information we have about Polychronius appears at the end of the account of his brother, Theodore of Mopsuestia, provided by Theodoret of Cyrrhus (
Hist. eccl. V 40.2): “His brother Polychronius was the excellent bishop of Apamea, a man gifted with great eloquence and of illustrious character.” Polychronius, like his brother Theodore, was a representative of Antiochene theology, championing a two natures Christology. His commentaries on Daniel, Ezekiel, and Job are preserved only in fra…
Religion Past and Present
(134 words)
[English Version] (vor 354? – vor 419/422), spielte eine Hauptrolle in den Auseinandersetzungen zw. Donatisten (Donatismus) und Katholiken in Nordafrika. P. war Anwalt und daher juristisch und rhetorisch gebildet. Um 399 wurde er donatistischer Bischof der Provinzhauptstadt Constantina in Numidien. Er schrieb mehrfach gegen Augustin und war beim entscheidenden Religionsgespräch in Karthago 411 einer der Wortführer der Donatisten. Bis in die Gegenwart hinein wirkt der von ihm in Karthago erhobene V…
(156 words)
[English Version]
von Apamea (gest. um 430). Die einzige Nachricht über P. findet sich bei Theodoret von Cyrus (h.e. V 40,2) am Ende der Notizen zum Bruder des P., Theodor von Mopsuestia: »Sein Bruder P. übte das Bischofsamt der Kirche zu Apamea bestens aus. Er bestach durch Anmut der Rede und eine hervorragende Lebensführung«. P. gehört in den Bereich der antiochenischen Theologie und vertrat eine ähnliche Zwei-Naturen-Lehre wie sein Bruder Theodor. Seine Komm. zu Dan, Ez und Hi sind nur in Frgm. …