
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Richard Potz" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Richard Potz" )' returned 37 results. Modify search

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18. Family Law (Austria)

(6,359 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter Matrimonial and family law are fields in which religious legal systems have a great many regulations, resulting in the people having widespread legal awareness and deep cultural conditi…

12. Education and Schooling (Austria)

(7,695 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 12.1 Constitutional Guarantees The main competences regarding schools lie with the Bund,1 whereby some subjects are deemed to be of paramount significance and, therefore, subject to the requiremen…

13. Islam in Tertiary Educational Institutions (Austria)

(1,764 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 13.1 Islamic Religious Teacher Education The Federal Act on the Organisation of the Pedagogical Colleges and their Studies of 2005 (HochschulG)1 ensures the independent incorporation of the “Teachers’ Trai…

7. Alevite State-Registered Religious Denominational Communities (Austria)

(617 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 7.1 Introduction In accordance with § 4 section 1 no. 2 of the BekGG, the religious doctrine of the community has to be published and must must differ from the teaching of already existin…

3. The Federal Act on Islamic Religious Societies (Austria)

(5,041 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter In 2015 the IslamG 1912 was replaced by the “Federal Act on the external legal relationships of Islamic Religious Societies” which was long overdue.1 The draft law was the subject of intense political debate,…

1. Historical Background and Social Facts (Austria)

(2,146 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 1.1 Austria and Islam before the 19th Century The first contacts with Islam happened for Austria in connection with the crusades. Austrian dukes and their knightly entourage participated in sev…

2. The Status of Religious Communities in Austria (Austria)

(4,683 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 2.1 Fundamental Law Guarantees Austrian constitutional law is exclusively written law, but it is not codified in a single document. After the fall of the Habsburg monarchy, the Federal Cons…

6. Islamic State-Registered Religious Denominational Communities (Austria)

(425 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 6.1 Introduction According to § 4 section 1 no. 2 of the BekGG, the religious doctrine of the community, which must differ from that of already existing religious denominational communiti…

16. Islamic Slaughter and Dietary Rules (Austria)

(1,495 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 16.1 Islamic Ritual Slaughter In accordance with §§ 12 and 19 of the IslamG,1 the Islamic Religious Society has the right to organise the production of meat products and other food in accordance wi…

19. Criminal Law (Austria)

(2,278 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 19.1 Introduction Religion plays a role in a number of offences, where either religious peace is the immediate object of protection or religion is the cause of an increased threat of puni…

9. The Financing of Islamic Religious Societies (Austria)

(1,028 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter In Austria there is no general state funding for churches and religious societies.1 State payments to religious communities as such exist only on the basis of an indemnity for financial losses caus…

8. Muslims in Integration Law (Austria)

(1,682 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter Integration law is a legal matter of increasing importance. In 2017 a bundle of laws was enacted which was directly relevant for integration.1 It includes two new laws: the Act on Integration ( Bundesgesetz zur Integra…

15. Employment and Social Law (Austria)

(4,212 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 15.1 Introduction Religion has to be considered in different ways in the legal order of employment relations. By reason of the guarantee of religious freedom the religious beliefs of empl…

4. Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (Austria)

(971 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 4.1 Introduction As a legally recognised religious community, the IGGÖ has enjoyed the position of a statutory body under public law since 1979.1 By granting them public law status, the state offers to coope…

5. (Islamic) Alevi Religious Society in Austria (Austria)

(1,190 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 5.1 Alevis in Austria On 19 March 2009 the “Cultural Association of Alevites in Vienna” ( Kulturverein der Aleviten in Wien/VAKB), a member association of the Alevi Federation of Austria ( Föderation der Aleviten Ge…

Preface (Austria)

(261 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter Starting from the protection of fundamental rights and based on the normative consideration of religious interests, religious law has increasingly become a cross-sectional matter touchi…

11. Islamic Funerals and Graveyards (Austria)

(490 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter 11.1 State Regulations In accordance with Article 10 Para. 1 No. 12 in conjunction with Article 15 of the B-VG, the competence for dealing with corpses, funeral services and graveyards lies with the fe…

17. Islamic Dress (Austria)

(1,378 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter In Austria, where there were traditionally no problems with Islamic clothing, discussions about the admissibility of religiously motivated clothing, especially the different forms of Is…

10. Mosques and Prayer Rooms (Austria)

(955 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
previous chapter Freedom of religion and belief guarantees full freedom for the undisturbed exercise of religious and non-religious behaviours, thus encompassing the construction of buildings or places …


(1,036 words)

Author(s): Richard Potz
Autokephalie - Orthodox Der Begriff setzt sich aus den griech. Worten autós u. kephalḕ (Haupt, Kopf) zusammen, bedeutet daher ein eigenes Haupt besitzend, u. ist vom Begriff A., der die Selbstbestimmung im Rahmen einer rechtlich gegebenen höherrangigen Ordnung anspricht, zu unterscheiden. Eine Autokeph. Kirche ist eine gesamtorthodox als selbständig anerkannte Kirche u. einem eigenen Kirchenoberhaupt. Sie ist rechtlich v. a. dadurch charakterisiert, dass sie ihre Bf. (inkl. Ersthierarch) eigenständig bestimmen kann u. dazu befugt ist, …
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