Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Richard Potz" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Richard Potz" )' returned 20 results. Modify search
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18. Family Law (Austria)
(6,359 words)
12. Education and Schooling (Austria)
(7,695 words)
13. Islam in Tertiary Educational Institutions (Austria)
(1,764 words)
7. Alevite State-Registered Religious Denominational Communities (Austria)
(617 words)
3. The Federal Act on Islamic Religious Societies (Austria)
(5,041 words)
1. Historical Background and Social Facts (Austria)
(2,146 words)
2. The Status of Religious Communities in Austria (Austria)
(4,683 words)
6. Islamic State-Registered Religious Denominational Communities (Austria)
(425 words)
16. Islamic Slaughter and Dietary Rules (Austria)
(1,495 words)
19. Criminal Law (Austria)
(2,278 words)
9. The Financing of Islamic Religious Societies (Austria)
(1,028 words)
8. Muslims in Integration Law (Austria)
(1,682 words)
15. Employment and Social Law (Austria)
(4,212 words)
4. Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (Austria)
(971 words)
5. (Islamic) Alevi Religious Society in Austria (Austria)
(1,190 words)
Preface (Austria)
(261 words)
11. Islamic Funerals and Graveyards (Austria)
(490 words)
17. Islamic Dress (Austria)
(1,378 words)
10. Mosques and Prayer Rooms (Austria)
(955 words)
14. Special Pastoral Care (Austria)
(1,008 words)