
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Henkys, Jürgen" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Henkys, Jürgen" )' returned 7 results. Modify search

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Christian Doctrine Classes

(996 words)

Author(s): Henkys, Jürgen
[German Version] I. Doctrine, in this context, refers, first, to instruction or education as a process, and only then to the substance of the fundamental doctrines. The participants in this process are “Christians,” i.e. people who are pleased (or who should be pleased in view of their confirmed baptism) to be addressed as Christians and to be nurtured through instruction. In this dual definition, “Christian doctrine classes” (Ger.:

Pastoral Care

(4,842 words)

Author(s): Ziemer, Jürgen | Pohl-Patalong, Uta | Schmidt-Rost, Reinhard | Henkys, Jürgen
[German Version] I. The Term Linguistic usage is not uniform. The English expression pastoral care comes from Lat. pastor (Pastor), while the corresponding German term, Seelsorge, is literally “soul care.” Both terms have a secular origin. The concept is first found in Plato, that is, in a “philosophy that understands itself as pastoral care” (Bonhoeffer, 9). Plato has Socrates call on his fellow-citizens to show ἐπιμέλεια τῆς ψυχῆς/ epiméleia tḗs psychḗs. They should care not only for riches and honor, but also for their souls ( Apol. 29 e 2); for the soul, unlike the body (Body…

Song Sermon

(289 words)

Author(s): Henkys, Jürgen
[German Version] A song sermon (or hymn sermon) is a liturgical address based on a hymn (Church song) as an embodiment and anchor of faith and thus meets the obligation of public preaching to be biblical, ecclesiastical, and contemporary. The hymn sermon’s roots go back to the 16th century ( J. & C. Spangenberg). It flourished well into the 18th century, when it also provided fertile soil for the growth of hymnology, but it ¶ disappeared with the arrival of rationalism, which was so at odds with the stock of traditional hymns. It was the studies of Rößler and work don…


(4,492 words)

Author(s): Figl, Johann | Dietz, Walter R. | Clayton, John | Henkys, Jürgen | Hoedemaker, Bert
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Church History – III. Philosophy of Religion – IV. Practical Theology – V. Missiology I. Religious Studies 1. Preliminary Considerations. “Atheism” is a Lati-nized term, current since the end of the 16th century, meaning disbelief in God. It derives from Gk …

Junge Gemeinde

(531 words)

Author(s): Henkys, Jürgen
[German Version] (Young Church). From 1935 onward, the journal of the Evangelischer Reichsverband Weiblicher Jugend (National Association of Protestant Young Women) was called the Junge Gemeinde. This was Otto Riethmüller's term for the objective of Protestant youth work which could no longer be organized in associations but, instead, had to find its place within the congregations. The gathering ( congregatio, CA 7) of young people in a community had already taken form in the period of associational work and was now meant entirely for the benefit of the …


(1,278 words)

Author(s): Gremmels, Christian | Henkys, Jürgen
[German Version] 1. Klaus (Jan 5, 1901, Breslau – Apr 23, 1945, Berlin). The elder brother of Dietrich (2.) and a jurist (Dr. jur. Heidelberg 1925). He studied international law (Geneva Amsterdam, England), he was the chief general counsel of Lufthansa-AG in Berlin. He collaborated with Wilhelm Leuschner and Julius Leber to form a “united front” of all military…


(4,154 words)

Author(s): Ziemer, Jürgen | Pohl-Patalong, Uta | Schmidt-Rost, Reinhard | Henkys, Jürgen
[English Version] I. Zum Begriff Der Sprachgebrauch ist nicht einheitlich. Unser heutiges Wort S. ist säkularen Ursprungs. Es begegnet zuerst bei Plato, also in einer »Philos., die sich selbst als S. versteht« (Bonhoeffer 9). Plato läßt Sokrates seine Mitbürger zur ε᾿πιμε´λεια τη˜ς ψυχη˜ς/epiméleia tē´s psychē´s auffordern. Sie sollten sich nicht nur um Reichtum und Ehre, sondern auch »um ihre Seelen sorgen« (apol. 29e2); denn die Seele sei im Gegensatz zum Leib (Leib und Seele) unsterblich. Im NT gibt es S. wohl der Sache, nicht aber …